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Jose Mourinho SLEEPING at Fenerbahce’s training ground as he reveals gruelling work schedule


JOSE MOURINHO revealed he sleeps at Fenerbahce’s training ground so that he “doesn’t waste time”.

Mourinho, 61, made a surprise move to Fener in June and has already made an impact with seven wins out of 11 matches across all competitions.

Jose Mourinho revealed he sleeps in Fenerbahce’s training ground
Fenerbahce boss Mourinho claims he works at least 12 hours per day

The Portuguese tactician suffered his second defeat on Saturday when his team lost 3-1 to bitter rivals Galatasaray but returned to winning ways on Thursday with a 2-1 win over Union Saint-Gilloise.

The ex-Manchester United boss put together a long and passionate speech after the Europa League game as he explained the “Mourinho effect”, which sees him winning silverware everywhere he goes.

The former Chelsea manager outlined his trophy success at every club he worked for, with the exception of Tottenham who sacked him two days before the 2021 EFL Cup Final against Manchester City.

The Special One also revealed he is so determined to carry on the “Mourinho effect” at Fenerbahce that he works “at least” 12 hours each day and sleeps in the training ground at night.

Mourinho said: “​​I won trophies at every club I went to, only I didn’t win at Tottenham because I left the club two days before the Cup final.

“So the Mourinho effect that I created at every club was to win trophies. I’m very sorry. We can’t do that in September. This game had two sides to it: One was the Europa League and the other was the difficulty of the first game after a heavy defeat.

“After that game, it was a week in which there was a bit of pleasure in knocking people down. I am not an expert in body language or a judge in a dance competition. I know the emotional side of football well.

“Journalists have an effect on the way fans think, the way business is done has something to do with it. Maybe it is you who need to change, you work too much. I don’t know how many hours he works, but I work at least 12 hours a day.


“I sleep at the club so I don’t waste time. Istanbul is a beautiful city, but I didn’t come here on holiday, I came to work. Everyone in the club does this, we have a good working environment.

“I always try to instil and explain this to people: I can be successful from time to time, but when things go well you don’t go to the moon, and when things go bad you don’t go to hell.

“This is my philosophy. I work hard and I’m not going to go to the moon, nor am I going to go to hell . We want to go to the moon, but it’s too far away.

“Sometimes they try to push us into hell, but people try hard not to. European Cups, I say half, because they stole a European Cup from me, I will never forget that. The reason for achieving all this is that I work hard at Fenerbahce, me and everyone at the club work hard.”

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