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Former Fulham women’s captain Ronnie Gibbons was ‘sexually assaulted twice by ex-owner Mohamed Fayed in Harrods’


A FORMER Fulham women’s captain yesterday revealed she was sexually assaulted twice by the football club’s ex-owner Mohamed Fayed.

Ronnie Gibbons said the tycoon groped her breast and made her sit on his knee after she was left alone with him in Harrods.

Former Fulham women’s captain Ronnie Gibbons revealed she was sexually assaulted twice by the football club’s ex-owner Mohamed Fayed[/caption]
Gibbons said the tycoon groped her breast and made her sit on his knee[/caption]

She also claimed he “forcefully” kissed and grabbed her as she tried to leave, leaving her feeling sick.

Her ordeal unfolded in the 2000-2001 season, after Fayed turned Fulham Ladies into Europe’s first pro female team.

Ronnie said a member of Fulham’s staff told her Fayed, then 71, wanted her to visit Harrods to meet his kids and talk about the club.

Ronnie explained: “I was summoned to his office and it was just him.

“He said, ‘Oh, I’m very sorry, there was a security breach and my children couldn’t come’.

“Then he pulled me in close and tried to kiss my mouth.

“He had his arms holding my arms, a kind of control stance.”

Ex-Republic of Ireland star Ronnie, 44, also told The Athletic: “I sort of moved my head so he could only kiss me on the cheek.

“I felt sweat instantly on my neck. I kind of froze.

“He sat on a chair and pulled me on top of him to sit on his lap.

“I just felt a huge responsibility on my shoulders because we’d just turned professional.”

Ronnie said Fayed asked her about boyfriends and offered to buy her an apartment and a car.

She tried to change the subject by pointing to a painting of Fayed with the Queen.

But she said Fayed replied: “That woman is a bitch.”

Fayed tried to kiss her again as she left.

He gave her an envelope with “£500 to £600 in £50 notes” plus chocolate, perfume and gifts, she said.

Weeks later, she was again summoned to Harrods where Fayed tried to kiss her on the mouth, put his hand on her leg and groped her breast.

She banged on the door and after someone opened it from the other side, furious Fayed pushed it shut.

She refused gifts but he insisted on giving her £100 for a taxi home.

I just felt a huge responsibility on my shoulders because we’d just turned professional


Ronnie added: “I had blonde hair, I was slim, I was called the [David] Beckham of women’s football.

“It was common knowledge what he was like.

“Finally telling my story will hopefully help me heal and be rid of the shame and pain I’ve carried for years.”

Since Fayed died aged 94 last year, about 500 women have said they were sexually assaulted or raped by him.

Cops are probing 61 reports.

The Justice for Harrods Survivors Group, representing 116 women, said it would have more to say next week about Fulham, which Fayed owned from 1997 to 2013.

The club said it was “profoundly troubled” by Ronnie’s claims and it “unequivocally condemns all abuse”.

Harrods said it was “utterly appalled” by allegations of abuse made against Fayed.

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