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Bakhram Murtazaliev proves he’s world class, stopping Tim Tszyu in three to retain IBF junior middle title


Bakhram Murtazaliev wanted the boxing world to find out who he is. They did. The 31-year-old IBF junior middleweight titlist was making his first defense and in his mind was being overlooked.

The 29-year-old challenger Tim Tszyu was supposed to be the A-side.

Murtazaliev (23-0, 17 knockouts) changed that. He dropped Tszyu four times, before Tszyu’s corner wisely threw in the towel and ended the fight at 1:55 of the third on Saturday night on a PBC event on Prime Video at the Caribe Royale Resort, in Orlando, Florida.

“We just worked on these combinations all the time and when the fight came, it was automatic.” Murtazaliev said. “We worked for 10 weeks on those punches that hurt him. We created opportunities and we believed that we could win this fight.

“When I landed that first big shot, I knew how hard it was. Tszyu is a real warrior and I hope one day we can work together and spar and help each other to grow.”

Tszyu started well. He landed a right midway through the first round, which gained the attention of Murtazaliev. He nailed Murtazaliev with a left hook to the body, when the fighters clashed heads.

Within the first minute of the second, Murtazaliev landed a right, and Tszyu tried to counter back. But with 2:20, Murtazaliev plowed Tszyu with a left hook that dropped the Australian and had him in big trouble. Tszyu’s courage got him back up on unsteady legs.

At 1:24 of the second, Murtazaliev knocked down Tszyu a second time with another left hook. Tszyu was just hanging on, wobbling around the ring as Murtazaliev teed off on him. As the final seconds ticked away in the second, Murtazaliev dropped Tszyu a third time.

Tszyu returned to his corner out on his feet.

He was in such terrible shape that the ringside doctor was called to take a look at Tszyu before the third.

Murtazaliev finished the job. He exploded on Tszyu in the third. With 1:24 left in the round, Murtazaliev unloaded with another left hook that sent Tszyu down a fourth time. Tszyu would not stop coming forward—and he paid a terrible price.

Murtazaliev kept pressuring Tszyu, when finally, Tszyu’s corner wisely threw in the towel to end it at 1:55 of the third round.

“Every time I step into the ring I leave it all in there,” Tszyu said. “Things didn’t go to plan and the better man won tonight. No excuses. After the first shot, things started not going according to plan. That’s part of boxing, you get hit and reactions get slower. Bakhram is the man at 154.”

Joseph Santoliquito is an award-winning sportswriter who has been working for Ring Magazine/RingTV.com since October 1997 and is the president of the Boxing Writers Association of America.
Follow @JSantoliquito



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