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Who is Ruben Amorim’s wife Maria Joao Diogo and how many kids does she have with the Man Utd manager?


RUBEN Amorim is married to interior designer Maria Joao Diogo.

The former Sporting Lisbon boss has been appointed as Erik ten Hag’s successor at Man U — here’s everything you need to know about the manager and his wife.

Amorim is the new Man Utd head coach[/caption]

Who is Ruben Amorim?

Ruben Amorim is a Portuguese professional football manager and former player.

He was born on January 27, 1985, in Lisbon.

The midfielder spent most of his playing years at Portuguese sides Belenenses and Benfica.

After playing for both clubs during his youth, he spent five years at Belenenses, making his Primeira Liga debut in 2003.

He made 96 appearances and scored four times for the club.

After a year on loan at Braga, he returned to Benfica for an incredible 2013/14 season.

In it he helped the club win four titles — the league, Taça de Portugal, Taça da Liga and the Supertaça Cândido de Oliveira.

The following season saw him play for his first overseas club, on loan at Al-Wakrah in Qatar.

He represented Portugal in two FIFA World Cups – 2010 and 2014 – gaining a total of 14 caps for his country.

In 2017, he retired as a player after 95 appearances and five goals for Benfica.

He began his coaching career at Primeira Liga club Casa Pia the following year.

He was then appointed as head coach at Braga B before taking charge of the first team in December 2019.

Who is Ruben Amorim’s wife Maria Joao Diogo?

Ruben and Maria first crossed paths during his playing days.

In 2013, the pair married in a beautiful ceremony at the Palácio de S. Marcos church in Coimbra,

Manchester United is delighted to announce the appointment of Ruben Amorim as Head Coach of the men’s first team

Man U Statement

160 guests witnessed the beautiful moment, including members of the football world.

Nuno Gomes, Miguel Vítor, Hugo VianaLuís Filipe and Quim were all present, as was Maria’s brother, Antero Henrique.

Henrique was famously the former Sporting Director at PSG – and was a Man Utd target.

Maria and Ruben are blessed with two children.

Maria is an interior designer.

Instagram @doistons_designinteriores
Amorim is married to Maria Joao Diogo, left[/caption]

Together with Raquel Viana, she created Dois Tons, who offer interior, home staging, lighting, and turnkey projects as well as preparation of plans and layouts.

Their website states that the objective is to design spaces in which “the client’s personality, needs and lifestyle become the pillar of the creative process”.

Who does Ruben Amorim manage?

Amorim joined Primeira Liga side Sporting Lisbon in March 2020.

In his first full season at the club he led them to their first league title in 19 years.

They also won the league cup (Taça da Liga) — and went on to defend their title in the 2021/2022 season.

On Friday, November 1, 2024, Amorim, 39, was confirmed as Erik ten Hag’s successor at Man U following his sacking on Monday of the same week.

The Red Devils released a statement saying that rather than being called a “manager”, his job title will be “head coach”.

The statement reads: “Manchester United is delighted to announce the appointment of Ruben Amorim as Head Coach of the men’s first team, subject to work visa requirements.

“He will join until June 2027 with a club option of an additional year, once he has fulfilled his obligations to his current club. He will join Manchester United on Monday 11 November.

“Ruben is one of the most exciting and highly rated young coaches in European football.

“Highly decorated as both a player and coach, his titles include winning the Primeira Liga twice in Portugal with Sporting CP; the first of which was the club’s first title in 19 years.

“Ruud van Nistelrooy will continue to take charge of the team until Ruben joins.”

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