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Longest-serving EFL manager Mark Robins SACKED by Coventry with club battling relegation


COVENTRY have SACKED Mark Robins after seven years at the club.

The EFL‘s longest serving manager was brutally axed with the Sky Blues sitting adrift of the Championship drop in 17th.

Mark Robins has been sacked by Coventry after seven brilliant years

The former Manchester United star, 54, saw himself at the centre of a relegation battle this season.

Coventry are enduring a miserable run of four wins in 14 games after finishing nine points behind the play-off places last term.

They are level on points with Wayne Rooney‘s Plymouth Argyle who sit inside the relegation zone in 22nd.

Coventry are only saved by their better goal difference, which is -1 compared to Plymouth’s -11.

A club statement read: “Coventry City have made the difficult decision to terminate the contract of Mark Robins as manager with immediate effect.

“Mark masterminded and built several team over that time that outperformed their budget, outperformed their infrastructure and brought back a playing style, credibility and belief to our City that had been lost and eroded over many years.

“These achievements will never be forgotten by those who witnessed such deeds and the broader community that once again began to rekindle their affection for our Club.

“There is no doubt that Coventry would not be where it is today without the inspired actions of Mark and his team.


“The Club are well aware that this is a difficult moment after over seven very successful years at the helm and this decision is not taken lightly.

“We thank Mark for all his achievements with us and wish him the best for the future.”

The final straw came after Derby County earned their first away win of the season at Brandon Stadium on Wednesday night.

Robins was in his second spell as Sky Blues boss, having returned to the club in March 2017 after the sacking of Russell Slade.

He oversaw the resurrection of Coventry from the depths of League Two, to the champions of League One in 2020.

Robins was even on the cusp of bringing the West Midlands club to the Premier League when they lost the Championship play-off final on penalties to Luton in 2023.

And he memorably brought them to the FA Cup semi-final last season, where they were unlucky to marginally lose out on pens to United after climbing back from 3-0 down in the second half.

Robins is often credited as being the man who “saved” Sir Alex Ferguson‘s job in a game that arguably defined the course of United’s future.

Mark Robins played under Sir Alex Ferguson at Man Utd

Despite not being a first-team regular, he famously scored the only goal in Fergie’s crucial FA Cup win over Nottingham Forest in 1990.

The legendary manager’s job was on the brink following three trophyless campaigns after his 1986 appointment.

Coventry chiefs have parted ways with Robins ahead of the club’s trip to league leaders Sunderland on Saturday afternoon.

The club have said they will take their time to appoint his successor and implement a new structure.

And an interim boss is yet to be appointed.

The top five longest serving EFL managers

  1. Simon Weaver (15 years at Harrogate – but only four of those have been the EFL)
  2. Mark Robins (Seven years)
  3. Ian Evatt (Four years at Bolton)
  4. Nigel Clough (Three years at Manfield)
  5. Jon Brady (Three years at Northampton)


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