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EFL club owner gives update on new £2bn ‘spaceship’ stadium included in mega plans for state-of-the-art complex


BIRMINGHAM CITY chairman Tom Wagner has given an update on the club’s plans to build a new stadium for the League One outfit.

Wagner has claimed that Knightshead Capital Management – the club’s ownership – remain “unwavering” in their commitment to build a new ground.

Birmingham City chairman Tom Wagner has given fans an update on plans to build a state-of-the-art complex for the League One club[/caption]
The club are planning to build a new stadium as part of the complex
Fans have been given a glimpse of what the food and drink options could look like in the new stadium
Supporters will have plenty of choices when it comes to having a drink

Birmingham City have already acquired 60 acres of land in the east side of Birmingham with plans to build an incredible Sports Quarter, containing a state-of-the-art stadium, new training facilities and more.

But Wagner has called on the government to support his plans for the city by helping speed the process along.

Speaking to fans at the club’s latest Open House event, he said: “We are deeply involved in complex planning and negotiations that will lay the groundwork for the development of the Sports Quarter.

“Our heads are down and we remain fully committed to doing the work needed to make this vision a reality.

“While we’re not yet at a point where we can share every detail, please know that we are making progress.

“Our commitment remains unwavering and we ask for your continued confidence as we navigate the process.

“Try not to hang on every word we say, or every press we read, or every tweet we see from across town.

“Your trust and belief in our vision mean everything to us and we hope that you have faith that there is a well conceived plan driving every action, utterance and strategic decision.”


Wagner is joined by NFL legend Tom Brady at the Knightshead Capital Management[/caption]
Plans revealed that there will be a polo club open to fans
There will also be a fan park
The project is expected to create 3,000 jobs for the area

Knightshead, who are backed by the investment of Birmingham co-owner Tom Brady, have already pumped in big money to the club with ambitions of taking the Blues back to the Premier League.

And the Sports Quarter is their most ambitious project, a project Wagner has claimed he wants to see completed in five years time.

The focal point of the development would be a 62,000 capacity stadium that has been likened to a “spaceship” by Wagner himself.

Alongside the huge new ground, which would dwarf St Andrews’ current 29,409 capacity, would be office spaces, social hubs and restaurants for the surrounding community.

While a hotel and a new fan park are also expected to be part of the ambitious plans.

Chief executive Garry Cook has had to temper expectations on opening the stadium in time for Wagner’s five-year plans.

Speaking on the same call, Cook said: “Tom and his ambition is well documented at local and national level, particularly at Government level.

“One of the reasons we can’t share much information is because there are so many moving parts.

“This is not just looking for planning permission to put an extension on your house, this is mind-blowing and as we go through this period there’s a lot of things that have to be done, and you can’t really predict at any point in time.

“I know Tom and if Tom had his choice it would be as soon as we had the space for the ground we would open and it would be kicking off in five years’ time at that stadium.

“The goal is set, the ambition is set, the reality is there are so many moving parts that will impact that timeline.”

Wagner likened the possible design of the stadium to a ‘spaceship’
Fans will have incredible dining experiences on offer inside the ground

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