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Private jets, super yachts & £3.9k paychecks – inside the glam life of Mike Tyson and Jake Paul’s stunning ring girls 


THE Mike Tyson and Jake Paul fight is upon us, and while some might be focused on who wins – others are more interested in their clad of ring girls.

The five models will add some much needed glamour to the fight which they all have an abundance of.

Mike Tyson and Jake Paul had a feisty meeting during their weigh-in[/caption]
The pair are set to fight tonight at 4am UK time[/caption]
The ring girls have set tongues wagging[/caption]

Approximately 60,000 fans are expected to fill the arena as these two stars go head-to-head in Texas.

Recently Mike Tyson, 58, was captured slapping Jake Paul, 28, across the face as the five beauties looked on.

The women are already turning heads with social media users commenting on their Netflix promo pics.

“That’s a better lineup than the Fight Card itself,” wrote one.

Another penned: “Now I have a reason to watch.”

Here we investigate the Instagram influencers and fitness gurus’ lives outside the ring.

Virginia Sanhouse

The 24-year-old model is probably the most famous out of the bunch with over 5.5 million followers on TikTok and 2 million on Instagram.

The Venezuelan-born beauty built her career as an e-commerce model.

Now she also owns her own company Sanhouse Fit to help people reach their physical goals.

When Virginia isn’t working she lives a lavish life looking at her Instagram page.

She’s often pictured in luxury designer brand including YSL heels, Dior bags and Gucci totes.

Virginia is often seen posing at the beach or on super yachts in the smallest of bikinis, often from her own brand Sabana Swim, a sustainable luxury swimwear brand.

She also has launched Sanhouse Fit Waist Trainer and is clearly a regular user if her tiny waist is anything to go by.

Virginia Sanhouse isn’t just a pretty face – she’s also a successful entrepreneur[/caption]
When she isn’t working she’s found on super yachts relaxing in the sun[/caption]


Sydney Thomas

The 20-year-old is making a name for herself in the ring, promoting her first match in Puerto Rico last month.

As a newcomer to the ring, Sydney probably isn’t making as much money as some of the other girls and could be expected to earn £900 per fight she appears in.

She started as a well-known content creator, just like Jake Paul, on TikTok where she shares her everyday life.

Despite still going to college, her life looks different from the average student as she travels the States in her private jet to meet the likes of Donald Trump.

Sydney is also a brand ambassador for Fashion Nova and often sports their clothes on her Instagram.

Pairing her high street buys with designer pieces like Prada bags.

When she isn’t busy studying she’s seen lounging around the pool and posing on private yachts.

Sydney Thomas has just started carving out her career in the ring[/caption]
HEr lavish life includes getting private jets to meet Trump[/caption]

Raphaela Milagres

Raphaela, who hails from Brazil, got her big break as a bike model before moving into the influencer world.

Impressively she also became a pro at modeling thanks to her natural beauty competing at IBFF events in the bikini category and then finishing eighth at the Ms. Olympia bikini in 2018. 

She already has a history with Jape Paul appearing as a ring girl for his fight with Nate Diaz last year.

As a seasoned ring girl – Raphaela can be expected to earn £3,900 for each fight she appears in according to Jobsinsport.

When she isn’t in the ring hyping the boys up she can be found modeling for lingerie brands and enjoying nights out in LA.

Raphaela is often spotted chilling in Orange County Florida by the beach.

Raphaela is a seasoned ring girl and knows how to keep the crowds entertained[/caption]
When she’s not working she’s busy modelling for Instagram and showing off her luxe life[/caption]

Delia Sylvain

Not only is Delia a renowned ring girl she’s also made thousands in her modelling career on OnlyFans.

When she isn’t in the ring keeping the boys in line – where she is estimatedly paid around £3,900, she’s posing on social media for her adoring fans.

When she isn’t on super yachts exploring the ocean she’s found posing in her Bentley or sharing workout photos.

The Mexican beauty is also into her high-end fashion and is always snapped with a YSL bag hanging off her arm.

Delia =has been in the ring for years and also has an OnlyFans account[/caption]
The Mexican beauty knows how to make the most out of her time relaxing on ships[/caption]

Lexi Williams

The 34-year-old has been a professional model and influencer for years and recently made her way into the ring.

Most recently Lexi won the 2024 Miami Swim Week and has worked with brands like Fashion Nova.

When she isn’t at work Lexi can be found chilling by the pool in the skimpiest of leopard print bikinis catching the sun.

Lexi’ isn’t afraid to show off her curves[/caption]
Lexi’s glam style is often showed off on Instagram[/caption]

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