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Jon Jones vs. Stipe Miocic full fight video highlights

Photo by Jeff Bottari/Zuffa LLC

Watch Jon Jones vs. Stipe Miocic full fight video highlights from their UFC 309 main event showdown Saturday night, courtesy of multiple outlets.

Jones vs. Miocic took place Nov. 16 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Jon Jones (28-1, 1 no-contest) and Stipe Miocic (20-5) squared off in the main event clash. The fight aired live on pay-per-view on ESPN+.

Catch all the video highlights below.

For more on Jones vs. Miocic, check out the live blog below.

Round 1

Referee Herb Dean on hand to oversee the main event.

Lunging left by Jones, good counter right from Miocic. Snapping front kick to the body by Jones. Jones lands an inside leg kick. Body kick scores for Johns. Miocic pursues Jones, throwing punches, Jones staying just out of range.

Jones with a gorgeous trip. He’s on top throwing elbows, Miocic working to get up. Jones heavy in top position. Jones passes to half guard. He wants to find a home for those elbows. Lots of ground-and-pound getting through. Miocic is in trouble. He’s doing enough to stay in there, but it doesn’t look like he’ll get out of this spot. Two minutes to go.

More elbows from Jones. These are landing clean. It is one-way traffic for the heavyweight champion. Jones patiently hand-fighting to create openings to strike. Jones postures up, he gets past Miocic’s legs into side control. Elbows from Jones to close out the round.

Miocic is going to have to pull off a major comeback to win this one.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-8, Jones.

Round 2

Miocic doubles up on the jab. Short left from Miocic connects. Jones gets his jab game going. Miocic advances, Jones angles his body away from the danger. Body kick from Jones. Miocic telegraphing some of these punches. Jones with a counter punch.

Inside leg kick by Jones. Jones with so many sneaky, well-timed shots. His defense is impenetrable. Miocic doesn’t give up though and there’s a right hand connection. Quick jab by Jones, then another crisp inside low kick. Miocic with a nice moment as he fires some punches that have Jones jogging away. Spin kick to the body by Jones.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9, Jones. Overall, 20-17 Jones.

Round 3

Miocic aggressive. He’s desperate to land a power shot and Jones just jogs out of the way. Snapping jab by Jones. Elbow from Jones, followed by a right down the pipe. He’s a sniper in there.

Big right cracks Miocic and he has to back up. Jones follows him to the fence and briefly grapples, the action returns to the center of the cage. Miocic feinting and advancing, feinting and advancing, not actually throwing. Jones ducks a Miocic combo.

Shockingly 42-year-old Miocic looks a lot slower than Jones in this fight. Straight left by Jones scores. He tags him with that left hand over and over again. Miocic trying to muck the fight up, but there’s just not enough volume when he closes the distance.

Spin kick to the body from Jones and Miocic is badly hurt. Dean watches the action closely as Jones follows with strikes and it’s clear this one is over. There’s the stoppage.

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