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Moment naked woman streaks during Grey Cup then casually walks off field as players awkwardly stand by


A NAKED WOMAN left Canadian Football League fans stunned after streaking during the Grey Cup final, leaving players standing by awkwardly.

The clash between the Toronto Argonauts and Winnipeg Blue Bombers at BC Place Stadium in Vancouver, British Columbia, represents the season finale.

A naked woman streaked on the field of the CFL final
But she appeared defeated as she walked off the pitch
Security only intervened when she walked into the endzone

However, the end-of-season clash was interrupted by a woman who ran on the field with nothing but a coat.

The streaker had run onto the field wearing no clothes while she carried the coat.

She was seen waving her hands in the air and even laid down on the field.

But while many streakers might become the highlight of the match or take the spotlight for a while, that didn’t seem to be the case on this occasion.

In fact, the stewards seemed pretty unbothered by the whole situation.

Players down the other end of the field were left standing by awkwardly as they waited to resume playing.

The naked woman eventually walked off the field of her own accord, and appeared somewhat defeated as she was allowed to put her coat around her before being escorted away by security.

Streakers usually receive lengthy bans from the sport, and this should prove to be no different.

Reacting to the streaker on social media, one user said: “Nobody cared enough to chase her down lol.”

A second said: “They gave shorty all the time in the world lol.”

A third added: “The one person that can get away with not being tackled.”

Another said: “Not the worst way to find out the Grey Cup is on.”

The game itself saw backup quarterback Nick Arbuckle lead the Toronto Argonauts to their record-extending 19th Grey Cup title.

He made 26 of his 37 passes for 252 yards and two touchdowns, and before the game had played just 25 CFL games in his career and just one playoff game back in high school.

One of the most famous examples of a streaker is Kinsey Wolanski, who gatecrashed the Champions Legaue final in 2019.

Meanwhile, model and influencer Kelly Kay Green took the chance to streak during last year’s Super Bowl as she saw it as a way to become a millionaire, even if it meant spending the night in jail.

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