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Former Premier League star sees plans to open new pub right outside stadium REJECTED for bizarre reason


FORMER Premier League midfielder Scott Arfield has seen his plans to build a pub in Glasgow rejected by the local council.

The 35-year-old wanted to convert a former bookies into a pub next to Ibrox Stadium, the home of his beloved Rangers.

Willie Vass
Scott Arfield’s plans to build a pub next to Ibrox have been rejected[/caption]
Andrew Barr
The old bookies, situated next to the stadium, is the proposed site and has been abandoned for two years[/caption]

But his proposal was turned down due to the potential impact on neighbours and bin storage concerns.

An appeal was subsequently launched on behalf of the ex-Rangers ace – who now plays for Bolton – which claimed the venue would serve as a “mini fan zone” on match days.

Councillors were split on whether to grant permission but the proposal was rejected after planning review committee chairman, Cllr Ken Andrew, SNP, made the decisive vote.

Glasgow Live claim Cllr Andrew wanted more clarity over a number of issues including noise impact and waste storage.

A noise impact assessment was provided but officials said environmental health staff found it to be “quite inadequate”.

The appeal suggested Arfield’s plan would “upgrade and repair” the property – which has been empty for over two years.

It was also argued that the opening hours could be limited to Ibrox matchdays and ticketed events to ensure minimal impact on local residents.

And it said the opening of the pub would create jobs in the area and waste would be handled within the property by a private removal firm.


The bar was considered to be a “major boost” for the local economy by Cllr Imran Alam, Labour.

He said: “The building has been lying empty for a couple of years now.

“We know what happens when buildings stay vacant for a long time, they become rundown and impossible to renovate and improve.”

Cllr Thomas Kerr, Conservative, appeared to agree and said: “I think the economic benefits outweigh any of the possible concerns that have been raised by officers.”

Two neighbours objected to the initial application due to concerns.

One claimed “anti-social behaviour” already takes place in the area on matchdays due to alcohol consumption.

Arfield spent five years with Rangers between 2018 and 2023.

During that time he scored 43 goals in 233 appearances.

Before joining the Scottish giants, the midfielder played for Burnley and Falkirk.

After leaving Ibrox he spent a year in the MLS with Charlotte FC.

He now plays for Bolton in League One.

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