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Q&A with Antonia Bennett


Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen
Photos courtesy of Antonia Bennett

Antonia Bennett is an American Jazz singer and daughter of legendary singer Tony Bennett. She performed many times with her dad on stage. Her Christmas album ” “Happy Holidays with love, Antonia Bennett” was released on 6 December. She has a single coming out February 28th, with an album “Expressions” shortly after. Go check out her albums and see her Live on tour!

KB: Did you always want to be a singer growing up?

I had a lot of things that interested me as a child, and I didn’t really know. A singer was not something that I became, it was just something that I always did. It was a part of me from the beginning.

KB: Your dad is Tony Bennett and your mum Sandra Grant. That’s the best of both worlds: singing and acting. Who influenced you the most?

I have equal parts of my mother and father. probably in ways that I don’t even understand.

KB: You performed with your dad many times. How was it working with him?

I loved working with my dad. He was very supportive and gave me a lot of space to grow. I admired him and the way he sang. There was always something new to learn just being around him.

KB: The New York Times compared your voice to that of Billie Holiday and Rickie Lee Jones. That’s a big compliment. Do you agree?

It’s certainly nice to be held up next to those great artists. I can see how people compare me to Billie. I think she influenced many singers. I think Ricki Lee has a lot of Billie in her sound. My dad listened to a lot of Billie, and I listened to him every night. I also listened to Mildred Bailey a lot who was a big influence on Billie. I guess what I am trying to say is I have been influenced by so many.

KB: Are there any artists out there you would love to collaborate with?

I would love to collaborate with many artists.

KB: Is there a song you would love to sing but never dared to because it is such a classic?

There are certain songs that I hear which I think are perfect. When I approach a song that has been done before I stop and ask myself what I can bring to it. There have been times that I have watched a performer deliver a song so perfectly that in a way it would feel disrespectful to record it myself. I choose to keep those moments private.

KB: Your Christmas album “Happy Holidays with love, Antonia Bennett” was released on 6 December. How did the creative process go?

My longtime friend and producer came to me and said that I should record a holiday record. It was a great idea. My parents always made such a big deal out of the holidays, and this was a way that I could honor them. I just picked songs I always loved singing and Christian Jacob created these beautiful arrangements which really allowed me to put my own twist on these classic tunes.

KB: What are your plans for the future? Are you touring?

I have a single coming out February 28th, with an album “Expressions” shortly after and shows to follow.

Check out Antonia’s website: HERE

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