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Conor McGregor announces bid to become Irish President as he poses in ‘Make Ireland Great Again’ cap outside private jet

Conor McGregor goes on immigration rant at White House before meeting President Donald Trump
Conor McGregor goes on immigration rant at White House before meeting President Donald Trump
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CONOR McGregor has confirmed he will run for president in Ireland while wearing the “Make Ireland Great Again” he was gifted on his White House trip.

This comes just days after the disgraced sportsman claimed “Ireland is on the cusp of losing its Irishness” due to the “illegal immigration racket”.

Conor McGregor announced his bid to become Irish President
McGregor was invited to The White House by Donald Trump on St Patrick’s Day[/caption]
The White House
McGregor poses in White House in front of portraits of Trump and his VP JD Vance[/caption]

This comes just three days after Donald Trump branded the shamed fighter his “favorite Irishman” during an Oval Office visit.

McGregor announced his bid with an odd picture of himself standing in front of a private jet in a vest and holding one of his four children.

The controversial fighter has been adamant that he would run for the Irish presidency this year with him claiming on several occasions he wants to “save” Ireland.

The shamed fighter confirmed his political ambitions while blasting the EU Migration Pact on Thursday.

This agreement would help streamline migration and asylum across the European Union.

McGregor’s post said Ireland had until June 12, 2026, to implement the pact but claimed he would oppose the agreement, if he became President.

The disgraced mixed martial artist said: “The next presidential election must take place by 11 Nov 2025.

“Who else will stand up to Government and oppose this bill?

“Any other Presidential candidate they attempt to put forward will be of no resistance to them. I will!”

McGregor also claimed he would be “democratic” by having the public vote in a referendum on the pact.

He said: “Although I oppose greatly this pact, it is neither mine nor governments choice to make.

Trump welcomes shamed Conor McGregor to White House on St Patrick's Day after hailing him as his 'favourite Irishman'
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“It is the people of Irelands choice! Always!”

“That is a true democracy!”

He added: “I would also be curious to hear our government officials reasoning for agreeing with this pact so fervently.

“I would love to hear the debates! Followed then by vote!

“This is the future of Ireland with me as President.

“All citizens of Ireland to have a voice and a choice on their future!”

The controversial sportsman added: “Vote McGregor and have your voice heard!”

McGregor, his wife Dee Devlin, and their four children with Trump and Elon Musk in the Oval Office[/caption]
The shamed mixed martial arts fighter claimed ‘Ireland is on the cusp of losing its Irishness’[/caption]
McGregor had been adamant that he would run for the Irish presidency this year[/caption]

At a press conference before meeting Trump, McGregor unleashed a a shocking rant on immigration in Ireland.

The controversial fighter lashed out at his government and claimed the current administration of “zero action with zero accountability”.

Continuing to speak in the White House, McGregor said Trump’s work ethic is “inspiring” as he said the US is Ireland’s “big sibling”.

He continued: “So we wish for our relationship with the United States to continue, and we wish to be taken care of by the big bro.

“The United States should look after its little bro. And that’s how we feel.”


McGregor’s announcement comes less than five months after a civil jury decided he assaulted a woman in a Dublin hotel room in December 2018.

Nikita Hand accused the Irish fighter of “brutally raping and battering” her after a Christmas night out.

McGregor has insisted he will appeal the civil court jury’s verdict as he has always maintained he had consensual sex with Hand.

Mum-of-one Hand sued both McGregor and a man called James Lawrence, alleging the pair both took part in the hotel penthouse assault.

The jury of eight women and four men found McGregor had assaulted Ms Hand but she lost her case against Lawrence.

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