Someone Dun Stole Laqueshia's Weave **In Da Hood***
And she seems to have missed that trip to the dentist too
And she seems to have missed that trip to the dentist too
Another shorty from Pathe. SP
Activists in Yerevan celebrated the moment Armenia chose a new prime minister this afternoon by taking part in an Iceland-style Viking "huh" war chant. Tens of thousands rallied in Republic Square to support the election of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the man who led weeks of protests in the former Soviet republic. shows the crowds celebrating with a synchronised "huh", made famous by fans of Iceland's football fans during UEFA Euro 2016. Writes the filmer: "A united Armenia show their... Читать дальше...
Hillary was in New Zealand Monday night for a speaking engagement and book tour where she continued to blame everyone but herself for being a crooked loser. While blabbing away to a less then half full arena of low info retards, people observed she was wearing what appears to be a back brace. Her inner and outer demons were on display for the Kiwis. Sad. {{file|t=qkYX_1525797360}} Remember when the liberal fake news media called Hillary Clinton's health concerns a right-wing ? Then she passed out... Читать дальше...
poor kid this your sad life
Brexit supporters, including the UK's Foreign Secretary, have publicly come out against the idea of a customs partnership that would effectively see Britain collect tariffs on the EU's behalf. The idea is thought to be the one favoured by the Prime Minister Theresa May. The EU has made it clear that any proposal put forward by her government must avoid the establishment of a hard border between the North and the Republic of Ireland. But Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson told a British newspaper... Читать дальше...
Driver was stopped for having tinted windows, then the officer brought out the dog to find drugs. Wilton Manners Police Department.
Brazilian woman take a live leak on the street
Ducks world
Fast forward to 1:37 for the "fight".
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Tuesday that it would not benefit the Democratic Party to pursue the impeachment of President Trump.
Dads can be amazing, and Zach Wallace is no exception.While at home with his family, Zach performed this stunning disappearing act with a blanket much to the delight of his young son. Credit: zbwally94 via Storyful
Tape dispensing machines can be useful but this elaborate creation by DaksDominos brings a whole new meaning to the idea of convenience.Filmed in action in Sioux Center, Iowa, the mind-boggling obstacle course took away the manual work of dispensing tape. It took 188 attempts in total before the final product was realized. It was worth the wait. Credit: DaksDominos via Storyful
Looks like he's back in the news again. The story of his infamous trial as seen the through the eyes of interweb lulz
New statistics show that a machete attack occurs on the streets of Britain every 90 minutes. That's a total of 928 machete attacks that were committed in just two months at the end of 2017
The EU Commission has defended its budget plans to reduce farm subsidies. Speaking before the parliament of the Belgion region of Wallonia, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the reduction of farm subsidies would not be a "massacre", but rather a "re-shaping" of the agriculture fund. The proposal comes as part of a bigger, new, multi-year EU budget set to trigger battles among member states over how to fill the funding gap left by Britain's exit next year. Juncker said: "According to our draft proposal... Читать дальше...
I knew the thing was falling apart and had made a mental note to be sure and 'keep my hands away" but i lifted it over my head and to help support it i rammed my fking fingers in the impeller blades. It throbbed for an hour or more.
Nope, thanks.
Четыре человека пострадали в аварии с участием троллейбуса на юго-западе Москвы. ДТП произошло на Профсоюзной улице в районе метро "Калужская". Троллейбус на полном ходу врезался в мачту городского освещения. Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Последние новости России и мира, политика, экономика, бизнес, курсы валют, культура, технологии, спорт, интервью, специальные репортажи, происшествия и многое другое. Официальный YouTube канал ВГТРК. Читать дальше...
В Калининградской области с воинскими почестями захоронят экипаж сбитого в бою советского штурмовика Ил-2. О завершении поисковой операции и подвиге летчиков. Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Последние новости России и мира, политика, экономика, бизнес, курсы валют, культура, технологии, спорт, интервью, специальные репортажи, происшествия и многое другое. Официальный YouTube канал ВГТРК. Россия 24 - это единственный российский информационный канал, вещающий 24 часа в сутки. Читать дальше...
Целый боевой арсенал обнаружен в Самарской области. Полсотни единиц стрелкового оружия, десятки тысяч боеприпасов и даже БТРы. Все это принадлежало местному адвокату. Сам владелец утверждает, что он просто коллекционер и оружие покупал легально из любви к искусству. Однако у следователей иное мнение. Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Последние новости России и мира, политика, экономика, бизнес, курсы валют, культура, технологии, спорт, интервью... Читать дальше...
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