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Новости за 25.04.2018

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Budgie in the centre?

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

New member here so apologies if this topic has already been discussed.

After watching the Cas game Friday night it seemed to me that giving Joe a run in the centres may be of (potentially big) benefit to us.

The loss of Gells at the start of the season was a big blow for us in my opinion as it leaves us without a real big body in the back line that can provide us with a bit of real punch on the edges. Burgess is a big, fast, powerful athlete who I think could make up for this. The... Читать дальше...

Macron opens door to new Iran deal in talks with Trump - CNN



Macron opens door to new Iran deal in talks with Trump
(CNN) French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Donald Trump have indicated they want to aim for a new deal to curb Iran's regional ambitions and ballistic missiles program that would run alongside the existing international nuclear pact ...
What you should know about Macron, Trump and the Iran dealWashington Post
European powers say nearing plan to save Iran nuclear pactReuters
EU... Читать дальше...

القيم الإنسانية العليا أم القيم الإيديولوجية الموروثة آبائيا 1/3

Islam Online 

في تاريخ الإنسان التقليدي القديم والأقوام السابقين للاسلام كشريعة ومنهاج؛ كان الناس يصوغون مفاهيميهم الوجودية عن الحياة وأصلها ويتعاملون من خلال “قيم منتجة بشريا مستندين على (الفطرة البشرية، العقل، التقاليد، العادات القبلية والحكمة السائدة). ففي الفترة بين الدين المسيحي وإرسال الله الرسول محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم بالاسلام كشريعة ومنهاج كانت تلك الفترة مليئة بالأزمات […]

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Egypt’s Salah wins admiration of Israel defence minister

World Soccer Talk: World Cup 2014 

Jerusalem (AFP) – Egyptian superstar Mohamed Salah’s devastating performance for Liverpool in the Champions League has brought him an unexpected fan — the Israeli defence minister. “I will be calling the chief of staff immediately to tell him to hire Mohamed Salah to the Israeli army,” Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman wrote on Twitter after Salah inspired Liverpool to a 5-2 victory over Roma in the first leg of the Champions League semi final. The Egyptian scored two goals and grabbed two assists Tuesday... Читать дальше...

Referee apologises for missing handball, instantly becomes meme


Being a referee can't be an easy job.

If you do it absolutely perfect, the best reaction you're probably going to get is mild indifference. But if you make a mistake, you'd better believe people are going to pick you up on it.

SEE ALSO: This soccer player has started celebrating goals by doing the dances in 'Fortnite'

Oh, and if you acknowledge the mistake you may end up drawing even more attention to yourself.

Bobby Madley tries to apologize to Newcastle players for... Читать дальше...

Zollner nicht mehr österreichischer Herren-Teamchef

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Der Deutsche Matthias Zollner ist nicht mehr österreichischer Basketball-Teamchef. Der nationale Verband (ÖBV) gab am Mittwoch bekannt, dass dies im besten beiderseitigen Einvernehmen beschlossen wurde. Eine weitere Zusammenarbeit zum derzeitigen Zeitpunkt sei von beiden Seiten nicht angestrebt worden. Zollners Vertrag war bis Anfang Juli zum Ende der laufenden Phase der WM-Qualifikation gelaufen.

Chesterfield completely ignore Football League relegation, celebrate local cup win instead


Chesterfield's relegation out of the Football League was a confirmed last night, with Morecambe's point against Cambridge United leaving them 10 points off safety with just nine points left to play for.Desperate times for the Spireites, then - although you wouldn't know it from their Twitter activity.As relegation was being confirmed, the club's official account spent the evening keeping supporters up to date... with the final of the Derbyshire Senior Challenge Cup.Chesterfield haven't won the competition... Читать дальше...

Juul maker to invest $30M to combat underage vaping

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

WASHINGTON (AP) — The maker of a much-debated e-cigarette that has grown popular with teenagers says it will spend $30 million in an effort to keep its products out of the hands of underage users. The announcement from Juul (JOO-'uhl) Labs comes one day after the Food and Drug Administration questioned the design and marketing of the company's small, sleek vaping devices. The San Francisco company said the initial investment will fund research on vaping and the formation of an expert panel to combat underage use of Juul. Читать дальше...

Juul maker to invest $30M to combat underage vaping

Times Union 

WASHINGTON (AP) — The maker of a much-debated e-cigarette that has grown popular with teenagers says it will spend $30 million in an effort to keep its products out of the hands of underage users. The announcement from Juul (JOO-'uhl) Labs comes one day after the Food and Drug Administration questioned the design and marketing of the company's small, sleek vaping devices. The San Francisco company said the initial investment will fund research on vaping and the formation of an expert panel to combat underage use of Juul. Читать дальше...

The meeting of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey

Contact.az (en) 

Baku / 25.04.18 / Turan: An official ceremony of meeting of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with the head of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was held in Ankara, Turkish media reported. Then began a meeting of the High-Level Cooperation Council. Following the talks, the presidents will make a statement to the press. -0- ...


«Московское чаепитие». Путеводитель по вкусному фестивалю на выходные

Губернаторы России

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Собянин предупредил москвичей о жаркой погоде в столице 4 июля

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