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Interstate near Arizona-New Mexico line reopens after train derailment as lingering fuel burns off

Times Union 

Local authorities say Interstate 40 has reopened in both directions as fire crews continue watch over a controlled burn of remaining fuel from a freight train derailment near the Arizona-New Mexico state line. Earlier evacuation orders have been lifted. No one was hurt in the Friday derailment of the BNSF Railway train near Lupton, Arizona on the New Mexico side of the border. Fire Chief Lawrence Montoya Jr., of McKinley County, New Mexico, is the incident commander on site. He says investigators... Читать дальше...

Arrests roil campuses nationwide ahead of graduation as protesters demand Israel ties be cut

Times Union 

Protests are roiling college campuses nationwide as administrators with graduation ceremonies next month face demands that schools cut financial ties to Israel against the backdrop of the Israel-Hamas war. About 275 people were arrested on Saturday at campuses including Indiana University at Bloomington, Arizona State University and Washington University in St. Louis. Those have pushed the number of arrests nationwide to nearly 900 since New York police removed a pro-Palestinian protest encampment... Читать дальше...

Putin likely didn’t order death of Russian opposition leader Navalny, US official says

Times Union 

U.S. intelligence officials have determined that Russian President Vladimir Putin likely didn’t order the death of imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny in February. An official says the U.S. intelligence community has found “no smoking gun” that Putin was aware of the timing of Navalny’s death or directly ordered it. The official says it’s believed Putin was ultimately responsible for the death of Navalny, who endured brutal conditions during his confinement. The official spoke on the condition... Читать дальше...

Tornadoes kill 3 in Oklahoma as governor issues state of emergency for 12 counties amid storm damage

Times Union 

Three people are dead in Oklahoma after tornadoes swept through the state, leveling buildings and knocking out power for tens of thousands of residents. Hughes County Emergency Medical Services says one of the deceased was a child and that four other people were injured. Dozens of reported tornadoes have wreaked havoc in the nation’s midsection since Friday. There are flood watches and warnings in effect Sunday for Oklahoma and five other states. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt has issued an executive... Читать дальше...

Have you heard the one about Trump? Biden tries humor on the campaign trail

Times Union 

President Joe Biden is out to win some votes by scoring some laughs at the expense of Donald Trump. Biden is using mockery with the goal of getting under Trump's skin and reminding the country of Trump's blunders. Like a comic honing his routine, the Democratic president has been testing and expanding his jokes over the past few weeks. It started with jabs about his Republican opponent’s financial problems, and now Biden regularly jeers Trump’s coiffed hair, his pampered upbringing and much more. Читать дальше...

Tesla founder Musk visits China as competitors show off new electric vehicles at Beijing auto show

Times Union 

Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk has met with a top government leader in the Chinese capital, just as the nation’s carmakers are showing off their latest electric vehicle models at the Beijing auto show. Chinese Premier Li Qiang told Musk Sunday that he hopes the U.S. will work more with China on “win-win” cooperation, China’s state broadcaster CCTV said on its main evening news program. Earlier, CCTV said that Musk had come at the invitation of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade to discuss further cooperation. Читать дальше...

How to design a volunteering program in your workplace

Times Union 

More workplaces are bolstering their volunteer programs, especially as employee demands grow for socially responsible employers and engagement. Nearly three in five companies surveyed by the Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals reported increased opportunities for group volunteering last year. With National Volunteer Week in the rearview mirror, coworkers buoyed by recent acts of kindness might be looking for ways to integrate service more regularly into their professional schedules. Читать дальше...

Donald Trump is running against Joe Biden. But he keeps bringing up another Democrat: Jimmy Carter

Times Union 

Donald Trump is running against Joe Biden, but Trump keeps bringing up another Democrat, Jimmy Carter. Trump likes to cite the 99-year-old Carter as a measuring stick to belittle Biden. Trump calls Carter a happy man because, according to Trump, Biden's performance in office makes Carter's presidency look good in comparison. It was once common for Republicans to mock Carter, who lost in a landslide to Ronald Reagan in 1980 amid inflation, energy shortages and the Iran hostage crisis. Trump's implication... Читать дальше...

Dubai plans to move its busy international airport to a $35 billion new facility within 10 years

Times Union 

Dubai International Airport, the world’s busiest for international travel, will move its operations to the city-state’s second, sprawling airfield in its southern desert reaches “within the next 10 years” in a project worth nearly $35 billion. The announcement Sunday by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum marks the latest chapter in the rebound of its long-haul carrier Emirates after the coronavirus pandemic grounded international travel. Plans have been on the books for years to move the operations... Читать дальше...


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