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Новости за 11.05.2018

Cut and Paste

Paper Blog 

One of the things we have resolved to do more this year is to use as much of the existing plants we have already for planting out rather than buy more. Easier said than done as resistance can be difficult when visiting nurseries. But doing so frees up storage space and efforts when preparing the garden for the winter months.

There are several areas in the garden that will need some replanting and plant editing, which includes the first raised bed in the koi pond area. In this bed was a rather sprawling Kniphofia caulescens. Читать дальше...

How Kim Pegula went from an orphan abandoned on a Korean street to one of the most powerful women in sports


Adrian Kraus/AP

Kim Pegula may be the most powerful woman in sports.

The 48-year-old owns the Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Sabres, and several other properties under the Pegula Sports and Entertainment umbrella with her husband, Terry.

Pegula's rise is a true rags-to-riches tale. Pegula was born to South Korean parents who abandoned her as a toddler on a Korean street. At the age of five, she was adopted by a Canadian family that moved to New York state, where she grew up.

A... Читать дальше...

Detective offered to drive rape victim home but demanded sex instead: cops

New York Post 

A Kentucky police detective allegedly offered to drive a sexual assault victim home — but brought her to a motel instead and raped her again, according to officials. John Nissen, of Hillview Police Department, was indicted on charges for official misconduct, tampering with a witness and theft by deception in connection to a September 2017...

‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Just Might Obliterate China’s Superhero Box Office Record

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

“Avengers: Infinity War” reached $1.25 billion at the global box office on Thursday, and this weekend the hit movies is expected to storm into the top ten highest-grossing films of all time. That’s in large part because the Marvel film is finally opening in China, where interest in it has hit highs never before reached by a superhero movie in the country. Estimates for ticket presales for “Avengers” have reached approximately $50 million, topping the country’s presale record set by “Monster Hunt... Читать дальше...

Press Releases: Remarks With Chilean Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero Espinoza Before Their Meeting



John J. Sullivan
Deputy Secretary of State

Treaty Room

Washington, DC

May 10, 2018

DEPUTY SECRETARY SULLIVAN: I’m delighted to welcome Chilean Foreign Minister Ampuero here to the State Department to continue to develop our personal relationship, and also to reaffirm the important ties between the United States and Chile. Thank you.

The Office of Website Management, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this... Читать дальше...

Collected Department Releases: Remarks With Chilean Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero Espinoza Before Their Meeting



John J. Sullivan
Deputy Secretary of State

Treaty Room

Washington, DC

May 10, 2018

DEPUTY SECRETARY SULLIVAN: I’m delighted to welcome Chilean Foreign Minister Ampuero here to the State Department to continue to develop our personal relationship, and also to reaffirm the important ties between the United States and Chile. Thank you.

The Office of Website Management, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this... Читать дальше...

Trump and Pence are getting ready to bludgeon 2018's most vulnerable Democrat


Win McNamee/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are traveling to Indiana multiple times in the coming days to kickoff their effort to unseat Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly.
  • Donnelly is among the most vulnerable Democrats in 2018, which is why the GOP will be going after him hard alongside his challenger, Mike Braun.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are getting set to bludgeon one of the most vulnerable... Читать дальше...

PressTV-‘US road to hell littered with broken treaties’


“The US road to hell is littered with broken treaties,” has said American writer and political analyst Daniel Patrick Welch while commenting on Washington’s violation of the nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers. On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump declared that his country is pulling out of the Iran deal, saying Washington will not […]

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Tech leaders push for more White House focus on AI

Times Union 

President Donald Trump hasn't said much, if anything, about artificial intelligence, but his administration is warming up to the idea of investing more in the technology and finding ways to build new skills for the U.S. workers it replaces. "The Trump administration will ensure our great nation remains the global leader in AI," the president's technology adviser, Michael Kratsios, said to a gathering of corporate leaders Thursday. Kratsios was hosting the Trump White House's first summit on artificial intelligence... Читать дальше...

Tech leaders push for more White House focus on AI

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

President Donald Trump hasn't said much, if anything, about artificial intelligence, but his administration is warming up to the idea of investing more in the technology and finding ways to build new skills for the U.S. workers it replaces. "The Trump administration will ensure our great nation remains the global leader in AI," the president's technology adviser, Michael Kratsios, said to a gathering of corporate leaders Thursday. Kratsios was hosting the Trump White House's first summit on artificial intelligence... Читать дальше...

Tech leaders push for more White House focus on AI

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

President Donald Trump hasn't said much, if anything, about artificial intelligence, but his administration is warming up to the idea of investing more in the technology and finding ways to build new skills for the U.S. workers it replaces. "The Trump administration will ensure our great nation remains the global leader in AI," the president's technology adviser, Michael Kratsios, said to a gathering of corporate leaders Thursday. Kratsios was hosting the Trump White House's first summit on artificial intelligence... Читать дальше...

Eurovision Song Contest gets its lineup for Grand Final

Times Union 

LISBON, Portugal (AP) — The Eurovision Song Contest has completed its lineup of 26 contestants who will face off for this year's crown, following a second semifinal. Performers from Serbia, Moldova, Hungary, Ukraine, Sweden, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Slovenia and The Netherlands earned enough votes Thursday night to reach the Grand Final. Missing out on Saturday's headline show were Russia, Georgia, Latvia, Malta, Montenegro, Poland, Romania and San Marino. Half of the votes were cast by a professional... Читать дальше...

Clint Dempsey took a significant pay cut in 2018

Sounder at Heart 

Nicolas Lodeiro is now the team’s top player by a significant amount.

We’ve known ever since Clint Dempsey re-signed with the Seattle Sounders late last year that he had taken a significant pay cut. Now we have a pretty good idea of just how much of one, after the MLS Players Union made available their first salary release of 2018 on Thursday.

Dempsey is now listed as receiving $1.65 million in guaranteed compensation in 2018. That’s a 57 percent reduction on what he was making last... Читать дальше...

Tyronn Lue says Cavaliers accepted Rodney Hood's apology - ESPN

Sports - Google News (us) 


Tyronn Lue says Cavaliers accepted Rodney Hood's apology
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio -- Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue shrugged off any lasting impact from Rodney Hood declining to enter the fourth quarter of Cleveland's Game 4 win over the Toronto Raptors and said the team has accepted Hood's apology. "I've been a ...
Cavaliers laughed at Rodney Hood when he apologized; now, he needs to find his gamecleveland.com
Rodney Hood Explains Not Entering Cavaliers vs. Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости

«Спартак» и ЦСКА сыграли красно // Принципиальное дерби привело к драке и трем удалениям

PR time

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Аттракцион Автодром на ВДНХ, 1990 год, Москва

Маршрут, посвященный архитектору Бове, появился на портале «Узнай Москву»

В Подольске долголеты открыли праздник ко Дню народного единства

После реконструкции «Уголок Дедушки Дурова» станет ещё более комфортным

Source Reveals Details of Erdogan, Putin Phone Call Over Iran Nuclear Deal

Sputnik International 

ANKARA (Sputnik) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed in phone talks on Thursday the prospects of the Iran nuclear deal in light of the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a source in Erdogan's administration told Sputnik.

Rap video, social campaign targets teen pot smokers

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

LOS ANGELES (AP) — New rap videos aimed at Los Angeles-area teens depict a common high school scene: Young people hanging out at a party, empty beer cups strewn about and joints being fired up. But instead of rapping about hook-ups and going to the club, the teens in the videos warn those lighting up about the downside of marijuana in catchy and sometimes funny lyrics like, "Girls won't think you're fly if your bank account is dry." The videos are part of a $2 million social media campaign launched... Читать дальше...


Николай Цискаридзе на марафоне Знание.Первые: «Если человек развивается, он живет»

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Сергей Собянин поздравил жителей Москвы с Днем народного единства

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