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Новости за 01.06.2018

AMAZING! Dinesh D’Souza Reveals Moment POTUS Trump Called Him About His Presidential Pardon (AUDIO)

The Gateway Pundit 

Conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza faced political persecution after he directed and released anti-Obama film, “2016: Obama’s America”. He was indicted over illegal campaign contributions. It was an obvious witch hunt. On Thursday, President Trump announced publicly he would be issuing a full pardon to Dinesh D’Souza. Dinesh D’Souza celebrated on his Twitter account with an […]

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49ers’ Bolden suspended for performance-enhancing substance


SANTA CLARA, Calif. — San Francisco 49ers receiver Victor Bolden has been suspended for the first four games of the regular season for violating the NFL’s policy on performance-enhancing substances. The league announced the ban on Friday. Bolden will be eligible to participate in the offseason and preseason games and can return to the active

Stolen, Leyland DAF horsebox - New

Dragon Driving 

Stolen last night, Leyland 7.5t with a Tristar body. Taken in the early hours, app 1.15 am, Friday 1st June, seen on the CCTV leaving our property.
Location: Newmarket
Telephone: 07831 106682

What does Pat Phelan do at Michelle and Robert’s wedding in Coronation Street, who gets killed and does he die?


PAT Phelan’s reign of terror is far from over. Here’s everything you need to know about what will happen in his final showdown at Michelle and Robert’s wedding… What does Pat Phelan do at Michelle and Robert’s wedding? Tonight (June 2, 2018) Michelle Connor’s wedding to Robert Preston looks set to become embroiled in Pat’s murder-revenge plan. […]

En Hongrie, la dérive autoritaire du premier ministre Viktor Orban


Le gouvernement nationaliste et conservateur de Viktor Orban, réélu en avril dernier, est en position d'accroître sa mainmise sur l'État, les médias et la société civile. Il pourra ainsi continuer d'ériger une démocratie illibérale en Hongrie.

15 stylish dresses perfect for any summer wedding


Filed under: Lifestyle, Shop, Fashion

Happy wedding season! Now that we nearing mid-May, we are starting to get our gifts and outfits in line for all of our upcoming summer weddings -- and when we think of hot and humid weddings, we think only about wearing light and airy dresses!


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MSNBC's Reid apologizes again for old blog posts

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

NEW YORK (AP) — MSNBC's Joy Reid is apologizing again for past blog posts, including one that had an image of Sen. John McCain superimposed on the body of a campus killer and another where she urged people to watch a conspiracy film tied to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Reid said Friday there are things she is embarrassed about and regrets about a blog she began writing in 2005. News organizations have been combing through some of these deleted blog posts for some of her opinions. Buzzfeed uncovered... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости

Певец Валерий Леонтьев прилетел из США в Москву и выступил на корпоративе


Тверская область:ввозили муку из Италии, землянику из Беларуси

Москва содрогнулась от мощи гения с Запада! Ненавидевший СССР Ягр разозлился и устроил шоу в столице России

Юридический факультет Евразийского международного университета проводит дополнительный набор абитуриентов

Игорь Брынцалов принял участие в праздновании 110-летия академика Челомея

В епархии рассказали о пожаре у храма в Крылатском

Some people need permission to use the word 'royal' in the United Kingdom


Chris Jackson/Getty

  • In the UK, if someone wants to use the words "royal" or "royalty" in the name of a business, company, or product, they have to seek permission first. 
  • The word is considered "sensitive" because they might mislead the public.
  • The concern is that using the word "royal" in a business sense might make people think it's officially associated with the royal family.

As any Anglophile knows, while the British royal family enjoys worldwide stardom and some seriously awesome perks... Читать дальше...

Remaining wreckage of Flight 93 to be buried at memorial

Times Union 

The remaining wreckage of United Flight 93 will be returned this year to the Pennsylvania memorial marking where it crashed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, officials said Friday. The wreckage — stored in shipping containers — will be buried in a restricted area of the park that's accessible only to loved ones of the victims, said Flight 93 National Memorial Superintendent Stephen Clark. "Now that we are nearing the completion of the major design components of the memorial, we are ready to return the... Читать дальше...


Зарема о Виллиане Жозе в «Спартаке»: «Бразилец в Москве обязательно найдет, чем заняться поинтереснее футбола. Сравнения с Мозесом неактуальны, Амарал берет игрока на закате карьеры»

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Музыкальные новости

Анна Нетребко

Крах карьеры и забвение? Что ждет Эйвазова после развода с Нетребко

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Зарема о Виллиане Жозе в «Спартаке»: «Бразилец в Москве обязательно найдет, чем заняться поинтереснее футбола. Сравнения с Мозесом неактуальны, Амарал берет игрока на закате карьеры»

Пазлы с героями «Команды МАТЧ» появились в продаже

"Спартак" объявил об окончании контракта с Промесом, которому в Нидерландах грозит тюремный срок


Касаткина и Шнайдер блеснули на траве перед Уимблдоном. Идеальный день для российского тенниса

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Как Лукашенко еще в 90-е расправился со всеми ОПГ Беларуси

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