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Новости за 04.12.2018

Union: Chicago teachers stage 1st US charter school strike

Times Union 

CHICAGO (AP) — Teachers employed by a Chicago charter school network took to the picket lines Tuesday in what their union described as the first strike at any of the privately run, taxpayer-funded schools in the U.S. The strike at Acero's 15 charter schools in Chicago following months of failed contract negotiations comes amid an increase in educator activism nationwide. Teachers in Kentucky , Arizona , Oklahoma , West Virginia and elsewhere converged on state capitols this year to fight for more pay and other funding issues.

Xi arrives in Portugal to boost trade ties

Business Standard 

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Portugal on Tuesday for a two-day visit to boost economic ties, despite concern in some EU capitals over China's growing influence across the continent. "Relations between China and Portugal are entering their best period... We must develop existing projects and step up our commercial exchanges," Xi said at a meeting with counterpart Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. His two-day stay will include the signing of cooperation agreements, one of which will bring the southwestern... Читать дальше...

AMM's Oscimatic automated portable fillet welding carriage works without rails


The Oscimatic automated portable fillet welding carriage from AMM Intl. has a built-in magnetic chuck that enables it to move along curved or straight lines, over flat or nonflat surfaces, on horizontal planes, and on vertical walls and ceilings without tracks or rails. The unit’s tractor and...

Isaiah White Wins Big Ten Wrestler of the Week

Nebraska Men's Basketball 

Lincoln, Neb. – Nebraska junior Isaiah White (165 pounds) has been named the Co-Big Ten Wrestler of the Week, along with Ohio State's Myles Martin.

Qualcomm's Snapdragon 855 to Launch the Mobile 5G Era


Qualcomm today named for the first time its next-generation mobile processor, the Snapdragon 855. The 855 includes the latest in terms of clock speeds, and will also be among the first CPUs to ship with native support for mobile 5G. Qualcomm is calling the Snapdragon 855 the first mobile platform to support multi-gigabit 5G, top-tier artificial intelligence, and deep augmented / virtual reality performance. According to Alex Katouzian, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Mobile, at Qualcomm... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Рэпер ST

Рэпер ST пожелал выпускникам на «Алых парусах» действовать смелее

Svetlana L

Специалисты, к которым хочется возвращаться. Кем может гордиться Москва?

Россияне пригласили Уэста, прилетевшего в Москву, в другие города РФ

Смолянин перевёл аферисту один миллион рублей для якобы отмены операции по оформлению кредита

Молодому наркодилеру на Камчатке грозит пожизненное заключение

«Ревела пять часов»: Карнавал раскрыла причины расставания с Кридом и Стоуном

Warrington Wolves • Rumours 2

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Heard a whisper that there's space for bringing in one more player, but no more than that, and no names.

Statistics: Posted by MorePlaymakersNeeded — Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:49 pm — Replies 975 — Views 191115

Warrington Wolves • Re: Rumours 2

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Heard a whisper that there's space for bringing in one more player, but no more than that, and no names.

Statistics: Posted by MorePlaymakersNeeded — Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:49 pm

Red Reposter - Top Reds prospects, and a Corey Kluber trade?

Red Reporter 

Tuesday links!

FanGraphs is in the midst of updating their rankings of the top prospects in each MLB franchise’s farm, per usual, and on Tuesday they dropped their update on the current state of the Cincinnati Reds system. Unsurprisingly, Nick Senzel held onto the top overall spot, his injury-riddled 2018 doing nothing to usurp his status as one of the absolute premier prospects in all of baseball.

Perhaps what stood out most, though, was Taylor Trammell jumping into the #2 spot in the system... Читать дальше...


Фестиваль троечной езды и гастрономии "Русский драйв"

Губернаторы России

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Виктор Тепляков

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