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Новости за 18.04.2019

Private Online Forum Provides Safe Space For Writers Amid WGA-ATA Battle


Nearly a month ago, I hear, two prominent showrunners with concerns about the course of the WGA’s negotiations with the Association of Talent Agents and the divisive rhetoric on part of the guild shared their misgivings with several colleagues who had similar concerns. The duo then reached out to the WGA leadership, which was receptive, […]

NYPD cop and suspect shot after wild exchange of gunfire in Hudson Heights

New York Post 

A police officer has been shot in Manhattan, according to law enforcement sources. The cop was responding to a call of a man wildly shooting into the air at 181st Street and Wadsworth in Hudson Heights when he took a bullet to the arm Thursday, the sources said. Authorities returned gunfire and the suspect, who...

Making History Great Again

The National Interest 

Christian Caryl

History, Americas

Simon Sebag Montefiore’s book, Titans of History: The Giants Who Made Our World, offers a jaunty tour of past historical greats.

Simon Sebag Montefiore, Titans of History: The Giants Who Made Our World (New York: Vintage Books, 2018), 640 pp., $20.00.

SIMON SEBAG Montefiore is one of those rare writers who knows how to put the story back into history. In his earlier books, he combined solid research with a knack for turning long-dead figures into vivid characters. Читать дальше...

Jurgen Klopp Opens Up on Champions League Reunion With Philippe Coutinho Ahead of Crunch Semi

FC Barcelona News 

Jurgen Klopp has admitted that Luis Suarez and Philippe Coutinho’s return to Anfield in the Champions League semi-finals will be ‘special’ for both the players and the club.  Klopp’s Reds stormed past Porto on Wednesday night, beating the Portuguese side 4-1 to seal a routine 6-1 aggregate win.  Suarez left Merseyside almost five years ago … Continue reading Jurgen Klopp Opens Up on Champions League Reunion With Philippe Coutinho Ahead of Crunch Semi

Trial set for woman charged in students’ bus stop deaths

The Seattle Times 

ROCHESTER, Ind. (AP) — A judge has set a trial date for a northern Indiana woman accused of striking and killing three children with a pickup truck as they crossed a highway to board a school bus. Fulton County Prosecutor Michael Marrs tells WSBT-TV the Oct. 5 trial date for Alyssa Shepherd of Rochester was […]

Facebook exposed millions more Instagram passwords than we realized - The Next Web

Top Stories (us) - Google News (com) 

  1. Facebook exposed millions more Instagram passwords than we realized  The Next Web
  2. Facebook really doesn't seem to understand privacy or security  CNET
  3. Millions of Instagram users had their passwords exposed  Quartz
  4. Facebook updated a blog post and said the number of unencrypted Instagram user passwords was in the 'millions' not its previous estimate of 'tens of thousands'  INSIDER
  5. Facebook Says Instagram Password Breach Larger Than Initially Thought  Deadline
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Instagram has considered hiding the like count on people’s photos

The Verge 

Instagram has considered hiding the like count on photos, so audiences can’t see how many people have liked an individual post. An unreleased feature that would publicly hide like counts was spotted today by code hunter Jane Wong, who says the test states that Instagram wants “your followers to focus on what you share, not how many likes your posts get.” Only the person who posted a photo will be able to see the number of likes it’s received.

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Музыкальные новости

Певица Сати Казанова рассказала, что чувствует слабость после родов


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Медалью "За проявленное мужество" наградили 14-летнюю Викторию Гребенькову из Первомайского района

Уральская ТПП реализует важные межнациональные проекты и укрепляет народное единство

Александр Малинин и симфонический оркестр Москвы: незабываемый вечер в честь дня рождения артиста

Свечников о победе над «Динамо» после серии поражений: «Очень важно морально. Нелегко это остановить»

Season ticket available for celtic game


Off on holiday with my wife this weekend so happy to give my season ticket for free to a fellow Hibee. Just PM if interested. P.S. Will involve collection from Motherwell.

Tiger Woods and President Trump Seem Tight. Does It Matter to You? - The New York Times


  1. Tiger Woods and President Trump Seem Tight. Does It Matter to You?  The New York Times
  2. Tiger Woods controlling his emotions was key in winning 2019 Masters - Joe LaCava | Golic and Wingo  ESPN
  3. Lessons from Augusta: Tiger shines, an editor’s pro tips, a Masters rookie gets lucky and more  Golf.com
  4. Pressure cooker: A Tiger Woods recipe: Commentary  OregonLive
  5. Tiger Woods winning The Masters makes him the greatest golfer ever - Charles Barkley | Get Up!  ESPN
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Древнее искусство исцеления возрождается: мануальная терапия с Искандером Касимовым

Губернаторы России

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Сергей Собянин: «Ночь искусств» посетили более 200 тысяч человек

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