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Samsung shifts executives to six-day workweeks to ‘inject a sense of crisis’

The Verge 

The Korean tech giant is now expanding the previously voluntary policy to executives across its entire workforce. | Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Samsung is introducing a companywide six-day workweek policy for executives as the Korean tech giant takes emergency measures to tackle ongoing business uncertainty. This new policy comes off the back of Samsung’s disappointing financial results last year, alongside wider economic concerns like rising borrowing costs and oil prices and a rapid depreciation of Korean currency. Читать дальше...

Playdate has sold 150,000 games in the last year

The Verge 

Image: Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Last March, Panic launched a curated game shop called Catalog for its Playdate handheld. And one year later, the company says it has sold more than 150,000 games through the store. “We want to let everyone who enjoys games know that there is a vibrant game dev community making hundreds of inventive and thoughtful games for Playdate,” Arisa Sudangnoi, head of Playdate developer relations, said in a statement. The news comes exactly two years after the handheld first launched. Читать дальше...

Gmail’s tabs are actually useful now that I’ve found this extension

The Verge 

Illustration by Samar Haddad / The Verge

I’ve always hated the fact Gmail only gives us five predefined categories — “Inbox,” “Social,” “Promotions,” “Updates,” and “Forum” — that we can’t customize. When the feature first launched in 2013, it felt like such an obvious omission I assumed Google would address it with a future update. But it’s been over 10 years, and the tabs are still as limiting as they were back then.

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MrBeast and T-Series are battling for the most-subscribed YouTube channel

The Verge 

MrBeast’s 252 million YouTube subscribers are nipping at the heels of T-Series. | Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images

Despite his immense popularity and online presence, Jimmy Donaldson (aka MrBeast) has never been the most subscribed channel on YouTube — though that may not be the case for long. T-Series, India’s largest music label and movie studio, currently holds the top spot with 263 million YouTube subscribers, but MrBeast is rapidly closing in on that figure with 252 million subs. Читать дальше...

Nothing’s new earbuds prove that it can (mostly) hang with the heavyweights

The Verge 

Nothing is churning out new earbuds at a faster clip than smartphones. The company just introduced the Nothing Ear and Nothing Ear (a), priced at $149 and $99, respectively. Together, they mark Nothing’s fourth and fifth products in the headphone category. First came the original Ear 1, which stood out for its partly transparent design but suffered from bugs and inconsistent audio performance. Then, Nothing went after a different audience with the open-style (and oddly named) Ear Stick. And a year ago... Читать дальше...

ChatGPT is coming to Nothing’s earbuds

The Verge 

Photo by Chris Welch / The Verge

Nothing has announced that it plans to more deeply integrate ChatGPT with its smartphones and earbuds. The move will give the company’s customers quicker access to the service. “Through the new integration, users with the latest Nothing OS and ChatGPT installed on their Nothing phones will be able to pinch-to-speak to the most popular consumer AI tool in the world directly from Nothing earbuds,” the company wrote in a blog post. And yes, the new Nothing Ear and Ear (a) are both supported. Читать дальше...

Coding bootcamp Lambda School — now BloomTech — is finally getting punished

The Verge 

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

In 2020, we wrote how coding bootcamp Lambda School seemed like a bit of a bait-and-switch. Four years later and one rebranding to “BloomTech” later, the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is finally slapping it on the wrist — it’s permanently banning it from issuing any more student loans, fining the company and its CEO $164,000, and releasing some students from some of their debt.

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Sega is turning Golden Axe into an animated series

The Verge 

Bleeeeeaaaagggghhhhh. | Screenshot: Wes Davis / The Verge

Comedy Central has ordered 10 episodes of Golden Axe, an animated show based on the fantasy beat ’em up sidescroller games. Deadline writes that it will be both “hilarious and loving” in its adaptation of the game. If I remember my Sega Genesis days well, I think that means there’ll be fighting over who gets to ride the purple bird dinosaur and that, at some point, a gigantic hairy skull will float down and hotbox everyone.

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TikTok to restrict users who repeatedly post problematic topics from ‘For You’ feed

The Verge 

Illustration by Nick Barclay / The Verge

TikTok will make entire accounts temporarily ineligible for its For You feed if users have a pattern of posting about extreme fitness, conspiracy theories, sexually suggestive material, and a wide range of other topics that the platform won’t promote on the feed. The change was included in an update to TikTok’s Community Guidelines issued on Wednesday. While videos about such topics are still technically allowed on TikTok, the content itself and... Читать дальше...


Владимир Брилёв: «Благотворительный базар в Lotte Hotel для дружеских делегаций из 44 стран – это круто!»

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Тимати купил бронированный автомобиль, который занимает два места на парковке

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

В гостях у Волгоградской академии физической культуры

Эксперт рассказала, как правильно выбрать одежду для спортзала

РМОУ презентовал издательский проект «Притяжение Сочи» на форуме «Мы вместе. Спорт»


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