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Новости за 08.12.2022

More Retailers Embracing In-Store Fulfillment


Retailers are expanding their in-store fulfillment options to accommodate changing shopping patterns. It’s a trend we’ve been noting for some time and one that now extends to retailers like Ulta, as the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday (Dec. 8). The beauty product chain has expanded the number of stores it uses for fulfillment, now packaging […]

Police investigating fatal roll-over accident in Orange County


New York State Police are reporting of a fatal roll-over car accident in the village of Goshen that occurred around noon on Thursday. The accident occurred off exit 124 westbound on State Route 17, when a car overturned into a retention pond.

49ers OL Trent Williams compares Brock Purdy to Peyton Manning | FIRST THINGS FIRST

FOX Sports.com 

Nick Wright, Chris Broussard and Kevin Wildes discuss Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers facing the Brock Purdy led San Francisco 49ers in Week 14. When asked about his confidence in Purdy 49ers OL Trent Williams said “He ain’t no timid rookie…Would think he’s like Peyton Manning.” The 49ers bring the top scoring defense into Sunday’s contest vs. the NFC South leading Buccaneers.

AB ve BM’den İran’a ''idamları durdur'' çağrısı


Avrupa Birliği (AB) ve Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) İnsan Hakları Konseyi, İran’da Mahsa Amini protestoları sırasında tutuklanan bir kişiyi idam etmesinin ardından infazların derhal durdurulması çağrısı yaptı.

Everyone finally realizes the need for diverse voices in tech reporting

Nieman Journalism Lab 

Time and time again, it’s the same ol’ story. A white man has a dream, investors support that dream, propel them to new heights, the press jumps in for the dance, and then either we all ride the rays into the sun or melt from getting too close. There have been so many busts, winters,...

Facebook and the media kiss and make up

Nieman Journalism Lab 

Facebook spends a fortune lobbying Congress. But next year, the corporation might win back prominent members of the media with nothing more than a few freshly updated press releases. We’re seeing inklings of the change already. As Twitter unravels, tech commentators have conflated its problems with Facebook’s alleged recent failures to opine that social media...

Digital news design gets interesting again

Nieman Journalism Lab 

Modern digital design has drained all sentiment and inventiveness from products we use on a daily basis. From streaming platforms and shopping apps to, of course, news websites, everything looks the same. UX standardization is a blessing and a curse at the same time. It’s great to present something in a way people are familiar...

Community partnerships drive better reporting

Nieman Journalism Lab 

It’s not a new concept for news organizations to partner with each other on special projects and investigations. And now more than ever, strategic partnerships with other media organizations are crucial to better serve and cover communities. It’s crucial that audience development strategies involve multidisciplinary community partnerships and collaborations that go beyond simply reporting stories,...

Rebuilding the news bundle

Nieman Journalism Lab 

One of the best ways to understand the first generation or so of digital media is through the idea of breaking the bundle. Traditional mass media could be conceptualized as a bundle. Albums, cable TV, weekly magazines, the daily newspaper: You had to buy the whole thing, even if you want just one part. The...

Музыкальные новости
Анастасия Волочкова

Шпагаты, но уже без нижнего белья: хакеры взломали аккаунт Волочковой

Анастасия Костенко

«Медицина бессильна»: в семью Анастасии Костенко пришла беда

Для панды Катюши открыли доступ в уличный вольер

Госдеп: США намерены добиваться освобождения обвиняемых в РФ Гершковича и Уилана

Валидол под язык – и вперед! «Астраханочка», неожиданно проиграв дома, с трудом прошла в полуфинал

Москвичам рассказали обо всех преимуществах использования карты «Тройка»


Электрокроссовер Voyah Free получил новую версию для России. Ее представили в Москве

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Собянин: Более 40 театров отреставрировали и отремонтировали в Москве за 10 лет

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Сергей Трофимов

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Хоккейный клуб из Балашихи выиграл Кубок Регионов

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