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Новости за 04.05.2023

Executions to return to South Carolina; shield law nears OK

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A bill that would allow South Carolina to buy the drugs needed for lethal injection without revealing the name of the company who sells them will soon be heading for the governor’s desk. The state Senate on Thursday approved minor changes the House made in the shield law bill with almost no debate. The proposal also requires the names of members of the execution team be kept secret. South Carolina has had an unintended 12-year moratorium on the death penalty after its lethal injection drugs passed... Читать дальше...

Five singers from Trump's pro-J6 tune have been identified. They're not 'very fine people'

Daily Kos 

Not only has Trump not disavowed his rolling coup and fusillade of election lies, but major cable news networks that haven’t just been forced to cough up $787 million for amplifying Trump’s nonsense are now giving him a free, presumably safe platform to elaborate on his agenda for 2024—an agenda that includes pardoning the very seditionists who attempted to murder our democracy and illegally install him in power.

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Shiva Thapa crashes out of World Championships, three others progress


Ace Indian boxer Shiva Thapa made a shocking exit from the Men's World Championships even as two other pugilists advanced to the pre-quarter finals here on Thursday. Shiva (63.5kg), the 2015 bronze medallist who had received a bye in the first round, went down fighting 3-4 to Dos Reis Yuri of Brazil, with the final decision been announced after a bout review.

Four Proud Boys members found guilty of seditious conspiracy


Four members of the far-right Proud Boys have been found guilty of seditious conspiracy by a jury in Washington, DC, for their roles to forcibly prevent the peaceful transfer of power from then-President Donald Trump to Joe Biden after the 2020 election.

The Easiest Way to Stop Wet Wipes From Sticking Together


Let’s start off by acknowledging that just because a problem is small doesn’t mean it’s not worth solving, and I am here to remove one minor indignity from your life: When you pull a wet wipe out of the package and two wipes come out because the first one didn’t detach from the one underneath? Maddening. But it…

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Swapping the Hybrid Battery in a Prius Is Shockingly Easy


Way back in the beginning of time, when the world was new, and the first Toyota Priuses hit the streets, their detractors called foul on the likely lifespan of their electric battery packs. They said that the replacement cost of the batteries would make them essentially throw-away cars and that we’d have Priuses piled…

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Gallery alley in Shiraz's Qavam House


TEHRAN, May 04 (MNA) – Iran's first gallery alley in the historical passage of Shiraz's Qavam House attracts tourists with a contrasting approach between tradition and modernity in the historical context of Shiraz city.

UFC 288 Embedded, Episode 4: ‘Three days and you’re out’


UFC, YouTube

In the fourth episode of UFC 288 Embedded, Aljamain Sterling trains with Al Iaquinta and does a radio hit, Gilbert Burns does his best Jersey Shore impression, Kron Gracie explains where he’s been, Henry Cejudo lets Sterling know what time it is, and more.

Man killed in Dakota County ATV accident


A 52-year-old man was killed Tuesday in an ATV accident near Dakota City. Deputies found Benjamin Ramirez, the operator of the ATV, pinned underneath it.

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Сергей Брановицкий

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Сергей Собянин обнародовал программу развития столичного туризма

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