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Новости за 27.06.2024

Mountain-size 'planet killer' asteroid will make a close approach to Earth today — and you can watch it live - Livescience.com


  1. Mountain-size 'planet killer' asteroid will make a close approach to Earth today — and you can watch it live  Livescience.com
  2. Two large asteroids safely pass Earth just 42 hours apart  European Space Agency
  3. Two Killer Asteroids Are Flying by Earth, and You May Be Able to See One  The New York Times
  4. Two large asteroids will pass near Earth this week  Earth.com
  5. Massive asteroid, size of hundreds of lions, will pass by Earth  The Jerusalem Post

India expands military training for foreign partnerships across Gulf, ASEAN, and Africa


India has significantly expanded its military training programs to strengthen defence partnerships with Gulf, ASEAN, and African nations. Initiatives range from basic infantry skills to advanced systems like submarines and fighter jets. Recently, 76 cadets from Saudi Arabia's King Fahad Naval Academy trained at India's Southern Naval Command in Kochi, focusing on maritime operations and seamanship. India hosts personnel from 26 African countries annually, providing training in counterinsurgency and jungle warfare.

EU awards €1M and 8 million supercomputing hours to 4 AI startups


The EU’s supercomputer alliance yesterday announced the winners of its AI startup competition. Four companies will split €1mn — and precious uptime on world-class high-performance computer systems to train their models.  Training and running AI requires massive amounts of computational resources. For example, Microsoft built Eagle, one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, for its new investment OpenAI. Elon Musk is on track to build a massive Nvidia-based supercomputer for xAI, his new artificial intelligence startup. Читать дальше...

EU awards €1B and 8 million supercomputing hours to 4 AI startups


The EU’s supercomputer alliance yesterday announced the winners of its AI startup competition. Four companies will split €1bn — and precious uptime on world-class high-performance computer systems to train their models.  Training and running AI requires massive amounts of computational resources. For example, as part of its deal with OpenAI, Microsoft built Eagle, one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, for its new investment. Elon Musk is on track to build a massive Nvidia-based supercomputer for xAI... Читать дальше...

Royal Cork 420 Sailors head to Europeans in Slovenia

Royal Cork Yacht Club 

      This week saw the departure of the international 420 national class trailer skippered by the intrepid John Corkery on its 1800km each way trip to Potoroz, Slovenia. Safe passage John!   The Irish team for the 2024 Europeans are well represented by RCYC sailors with Isha Duggan and Tommy Hiras in the […]

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PGA of America CEO Seth Waugh resigns

Golf Business News.com 

The PGA of America has announced that CEO Seth Waugh has decided to step aside as CEO and shift to an advisory role.

More than 5000 children in Copenhagen live in poverty

The Copenhagen Post online 

There are 5,036 poor children in Copenhagen. These new figures come from the Municipality of Copenhagen, writes TV2 Kosmopol. Just under half of the city’s poor children live in either Brønshøj-Husum, Bispebjerg or Nørrebro. While Østerbro is one of the places in the capital where the fewest poor children live – according to the report. […]

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Mandatory linking of CGHS beneficiary ID with ABHA for central govt employees suspended; should you still do it?


Mandatory linking of CGHS beneficiary ID with ABHA ID: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has announced a temporary suspension of the mandatory linking of Central Government Health Services (CGHS) beneficiary ID with Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) ID. Citing a review of their earlier directive, the Ministry issued an office memorandum on June 25, 2024, stating the decision to put the implementation on hold until further notice. This move aims to reconsider the compulsory integration of the two IDs... Читать дальше...


Тишковец рассказал о погоде в Москве на выходных

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Собянин рассказал о реализации программы реновации в Москве

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