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'No senior members of the Royal Family' will join Prince Harry at UK Invictus event which he will also attend - Daily Mail

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. 'No senior members of the Royal Family' will join Prince Harry at UK Invictus event which he will also attend  Daily Mail
  2. Harry to return to UK for first time since Kate revealed cancer diagnosis  The Independent
  3. Prince Harry returning to UK for first time since visiting King Charles following his cancer diagnosis  Sky News
  4. Harry will return to London for Invictus Games ceremony  The Times
  5. Prince Harry to travel to UK in May  The Telegraph

The Briefing: Forest 0 City 2 - Haaland's impact? Champions League exit benefit? - The Athletic

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. The Briefing: Forest 0 City 2 - Haaland's impact? Champions League exit benefit?  The Athletic
  2. Nottingham Forest 0-2 Man City highlights | Football News  Sky Sports
  3. Match of the Day 2: How Forest v Man City became 'a tale of two strikers'  BBC
  4. Erling Haaland seals nervy victory for Manchester City at Nottingham Forest  The Guardian
  5. De Bruyne's latest double act makes Man City the unconvincing unstoppables  The Independent

Average cost of UK car insurance rises by one-third in a year, analysis finds - The Guardian

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Average cost of UK car insurance rises by one-third in a year, analysis finds  The Guardian
  2. Average price paid for motor insurance jumps by a third in a year  Eastern Daily Press
  3. Average cost of motor insurance has risen by a third in a year  The Times
  4. Car insurance costs hit new average record high of £635 - but hikes may be starting to slow  This is Money
  5. Recovery rate of stolen cars at just 5% is driving up insurance costs  inews

No more 12345: devices with weak passwords to be banned in UK - The Guardian

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. No more 12345: devices with weak passwords to be banned in UK  The Guardian
  2. Smart gadgets: Tougher rules for sellers of internet-enabled devices in the UK  BBC
  3. New laws to protect consumers from cyber criminals come into force in the UK  GOV.UK
  4. Gov Enforce New UK Internet Security and Broadband Boosting Law  ISPreview UK
  5. New laws to protect consumers from cyber attacks take effect  East Anglian Daily Times

Sir Keir Starmer promises mental health reforms under a Labour government as he welcomes Tory defector - Sky News

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Sir Keir Starmer promises mental health reforms under a Labour government as he welcomes Tory defector  Sky News
  2. Top Tory MP defects to Labour in fury at NHS crisis  The Guardian
  3. Tory rebels on warpath after MP defects to Labour  The Telegraph
  4. Labour faces questions over offers made to Tory defector Dan Poulter  The Times
  5. Tory MPs savage Poulter in the group chat  The Spectator

Humza Yousaf set to resign as survival hopes fade - The Times

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Humza Yousaf set to resign as survival hopes fade  The Times
  2. Scottish first minister's future may hinge on breakaway party  Financial Times
  3. Humza Yousaf mocked for 'embarrassing' letter pleading for support  The Telegraph
  4. Scottish Greens will not back down in Humza Yousaf row, co-leader says  The Guardian
  5. Humza Yousaf: Scotland's first minister claims Holyrood election could be called - as vote of no confidence looms  Sky News

World Snooker Championship scores: Ronnie O'Sullivan vs Ryan Day score updates - Express

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. World Snooker Championship scores: Ronnie O'Sullivan vs Ryan Day score updates  Express
  2. Ronnie O’Sullivan finds Crucible form as Maguire beats Murphy to reach quarters  The Guardian
  3. World Snooker Championship: Ronnie O'Sullivan leads Ryan Day in last 16  BBC.com
  4. Ronnie O'Sullivan leads Ryan Day as Stephen Maguire reaches Crucible quarters  The Independent
  5. World Snooker Championship 2024 LIVE RESULTS: Ronnie O'Sullivan eyes 8th title  The Sun

George Gilbey’s heartbroken mum reveals Googlebox star’s last words to her before death in horror plunge fr... - The Sun

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. George Gilbey’s heartbroken mum reveals Googlebox star’s last words to her before death in horror plunge fr...  The Sun
  2. Gogglebox star George Gilbey's grieving mother Linda reveals his last words to her were 'I love you' - before  Daily Mail
  3. Gogglebox star George Gilbey’s heartbroken mum reveals his last words before tragic death  The Mirror
  4. Gogglebox star George Gilbey's funeral attended by hundreds following tragic death  Express
  5. Gogglebox star George Gilbey died of traumatic injuries... Читать дальше...

UK attacks EU double standards on migrants - The Telegraph

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. UK attacks EU double standards on migrants  The Telegraph
  2. Diplomatic row erupts as Britain rejects bid by Ireland to return migrants to UK  The Independent
  3. Ireland plans to send asylum seekers back to UK under emergency law  The Guardian
  4. Ireland pledging emergency legislation to send asylum seekers back to UK in wake of Rwanda bill being passed  Sky News
  5. Rwanda plan: Ireland 'won't provide loophole', says taoiseach  BBC.com

Man City left 'dry and high' as Guardiola explains why 'we were incredibly fortunate' vs Forest - Football365

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Man City left 'dry and high' as Guardiola explains why 'we were incredibly fortunate' vs Forest  Football365
  2. Erling Haaland: Man City striker key to Premier League title race  BBC
  3. Nottingham Forest 0-2 Man City highlights | Football News  Sky Sports
  4. PLAYER RATINGS: De Bruyne and Gvardiol impress - but who scored a 4.5?  Daily Mail
  5. Erling Haaland seals nervy victory for Manchester City at Nottingham Forest  The Guardian


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