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Новости за 04.11.2024

Serbian minister to resign over concrete canopy crash that killed 14 people

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Serbia’s government minister for infrastructure and construction says he's stepping down, days after a concrete canopy collapsed at a railway station, killing 14 people and severely injuring three. Goran Vesic announced his resignation at an extraordinary press conference as anger mounted in the Balkan country over Friday's fatal collapse in the northern city of Novi Sad. Surveillance camera footage showed the massive canopy on the outer wall of the station building just crashing down in seconds... Читать дальше...

iOS 18.2 beta 2 now available for all iPhones ahead of December launch - 9to5Mac

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. iOS 18.2 beta 2 now available for all iPhones ahead of December launch  9to5Mac
  2. 3 Apple Intelligence Features You'll Embrace in iOS 18.1  CNET
  3. New MacBook Pro features M4 family of chips and Apple Intelligence  Apple
  4. iOS 18.2: Release Date For Major iPhone AI Update Revealed In New Report  Forbes
  5. Apple Intelligence will silence iPhone interruptions for you — here's how to get more done  Tom's Guide

Union demands sacked audit chief gets all his pension

Cyprus Mail 

The civil servants’ main union on Monday came to the defence of former auditor-general Odysseas Michaelides, urging authorities to immediately pay the ex-official all his pension dues. “Regardless of the preceding events, it should be clear to all that the pension rights of every working person are, as established by legal precedent, an inalienable asset,” […]

With Spain still mourning Valencia’s flood victims, why did La Liga play on?

Scissors Kick 

Girona’s Miguel Gutiérrez, one of many players with a connection to Valencia who featured in La Liga, dedicates his goal to victims of flooding. “Thousands of people were at Mestalla this weekend, huge queues all along Avenida de Aragón where Valencia’s players arrived, but there was no game on, not here. They came instead with […]

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Уральская ТПП реализует важные межнациональные проекты и укрепляет народное единство

Росгвардейцам из Пензы рассказали о важности Дня народного единства

Дептранс Москвы: в вагоне поезда на станции «Кузьминки» не было возгорания

Нижегородский ВК АСК обыграл МГТУ в Москве

Орловские налоговики предложили ввести АвтоУСН

Mexico's National Guard kills 2 Colombians and wounds 4 on a migrant smuggling route near the US

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Mexico’s Defense Department claims the National Guard has killed two Colombians and wounded four others in a confrontation near the U.S. border. The department said late Sunday the shootings took place on a dirt road near Tecate that is frequently used by Mexican migrant smugglers. It was not clear whether the Colombians were migrants. Mexico's Defense Department, which controls the National Guard, did not respond to requests for comment on that point. If they were migrants, it would mark the second... Читать дальше...

Apple Releases Second Betas of iOS 18.2 and More With Genmoji, Image Playground and ChatGPT Integration - MacRumors


  1. Apple Releases Second Betas of iOS 18.2 and More With Genmoji, Image Playground and ChatGPT Integration  MacRumors
  2. 3 Apple Intelligence Features You'll Embrace in iOS 18.1  CNET
  3. New MacBook Pro features M4 family of chips and Apple Intelligence  Apple
  4. iOS 18.2 could land a week earlier than expected, and it'll include big Apple Intelligence updates  TechRadar
  5. Start using Apple Intelligence with these 6 new productivity hacks  Fast Company


Николай Цискаридзе на марафоне Знание.Первые: «Если человек развивается, он живет»

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