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Cyprus Mail

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City keep pressure on Arsenal with win over Forest

Cyprus Mail 

Manchester City took another step in their bid to win a fourth consecutive Premier League title with a 2-0 victory over relegation-threatened Nottingham Forest on Sunday, with Josko Gvardiol and Erling Haaland on target. Pep Guardiola’s men kept the pressure on leaders Arsenal, pulling to within a point of the Gunners —...

Arsenal hang on to beat Spurs in derby

Cyprus Mail 

Arsenal held on to beat battling local rivals Tottenham Hotspur 3-2 away and move four points clear at the top of the Premier League after an emphatic first-half display and a nervous second period in an electric derby atmosphere on Sunday. An own goal by Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg and efforts from...

The future of LNG exports

Cyprus Mail 

I participated at FLAME 2024, Europe’s lead natural gas conference, in Amsterdam end April. The theme of the conference was ‘Navigating the energy trilemma’ and LNG featured prominently. A key question was that with the next wave of US and Qatar LNG supply ramping up from 2026 and energy transition...

Seven of 10 remanded in gangland attempted murder

Cyprus Mail 

Seven people were remanded for eight days in the attempted murder of a 34-year-old, while another three were released it emerged on Sunday. The murder attempt took place last Tuesday in Lakatamia, Nicosia, where Demetris Andronicou, aka Demetroui, was shot three times, with one landing in the neck. Since the...

Over a hundred migrants sent away from Cyprus this week

Cyprus Mail 

Over a hundred migrants were sent back, police said on Sunday, after the individuals were found to be residing in Cyprus illegally. According to police 181 people were returned to their home countries over the past week. Since the beginning of 2024, 3,763 persons who were illegally residing in Cyprus...

‘Lion of Limassol’ clinches Guinness World Record

Cyprus Mail 

In a feat that had Cyprus cheering from the sidelines, Ilya Khazov, known as the ‘Lion of Limassol’, recently clinched a Guinness World Record with a display of sheer strength and determination. On February 20, Khazov wowed audiences as he shattered expectations and jumped his way into the record books....

Aid arrives in Ashdod and is headed for Gaza

Cyprus Mail 

Hundreds of tonnes of aid for Gaza have reached the port of Ashdod in Israel after departing Larnaca two days ago, the United Arab Emirates Foreign Ministry said on Sunday. According to the announcement from the ministry, 400 tonnes of food reached the port and are going to be loaded...

Living as enclaved became an artist’s inspiration

Cyprus Mail 

A new exhibition marks 50 years since the Turkish invasion with very personal memories of a Karpasia artist Toula Liasi’s personal story is testament to the lives of those few hundred Greek Cypriots who insisted on remaining in their homes in northern Cyprus following the division of the island in...

Festival season begins

Cyprus Mail 

Is it too soon to get into the festival spirit? It seems not as dozens of annual – and new – festivals are already filling up May’s calendar. From seasonal village celebrations and classic car conventions to environmental festivals and music fiestas, next month is a busy one!   Agros...


Оксана Федорова представит премьеру фильма «Петербург Шаляпина и Рахманинова» на выставке-форуме «Россия»

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Музыкальные новости


Младшая дочь Оксаны Самойловой и Джигана пошутила, что их сын приемный — как отреагировала звездная мама: «Чисто классика»

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

"Зенит" потерпел второе поражение подряд в РПЛ

ЦСКА уступил "Балтике" в 26-м туре чемпионата России


16-летняя Мирра Андреева победила чемпионку Уимблдона на турнире WTA в Мадриде

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


ЦСКА проиграл «Балтике» в гостевом матче 26-го тура РПЛ

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России