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Новости за 10.11.2024

Did Kate Middleton break royal protocol with her cancer update? Here's what you need to know


Breaking royal tradition, Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, shared a personal video message announcing the completion of her cancer treatment. The video, signed off less formally as 'Catherine,' marked a departure from typical royal communication protocols. After a period of rest, Kate is gradually returning to royal duties, recently appearing at the Remembrance Day event in London.

Uddhav Thackeray siding with those who insulted Balasaheb, Savarkar: Amit Shah


Union Minister Amit Shah criticized Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray for aligning with Congress, whose leaders, according to Shah, have insulted Balasaheb Thackeray and Veer Savarkar. He questioned whether Thackeray could ask Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to honor these figures.

Pakistan win first ODI series in Australia since 2002

France24.com (en) 

After bowling out the woeful world champions for a miserly 140 at Perth Stadium, Mohammad Rizwan's team reached their target in the 27th over. The impressive performance, aided by high-quality bowling from Naseem Shah, Shaheen Shah Afridi and Haris Rauf, ensured a first ODI series win in Australia since 2002. They lost a tense opening match in Melbourne by two wickets, but bounced back with an emphatic nine-wicket victory in Adelaide. "It's a special moment for me and the fans," said captain Rizwan. Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости

Певица Ильвина примет участие большом музыкальном проекте стран БРИКС


Выставка-признание «За боем бой», к 70-летию со дня рождения Ю.М. Полякова, советского, российского писателя, киносценариста, поэта, драматурга.

РУВИКИ и Государственный Исторический Музей объявили о сотрудничестве

Машина взорвалась в Севастополе

Пять лыжных трасс обустроят в Дубне этой зимой

В женской консультации № 2 в Дедовске стартовала «Школа пап»

Once China's 'worst nightmare,' labor activist refuses to back down


Han Dongfang, a Chinese labor activist, has fought for workers' rights for over 30 years. He became involved during the Tiananmen Square protests and helped create an independent labor union. After facing imprisonment and exile, he continues to advocate for workers from Hong Kong. Han's organization, China Labor Bulletin, investigates labor disputes and pressures authorities to protect workers' rights.

Israeli strikes kill dozens in Lebanon and northern Gaza - FRANCE 24 English

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Israeli strikes kill dozens in Lebanon and northern Gaza  FRANCE 24 English
  2. Israeli forces kill at least 11 since Sunday  Middle East Eye
  3. LIVE: Israel ‘relentlessly attacks’ central Gaza, raids West Bank  Al Jazeera English
  4. Dozens killed as Israeli strikes destroy home, Gaza officials say  The Guardian
  5. At least 40 Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes in Gaza, medics say  Reuters

Live: Israeli strikes kill dozens in Lebanon and northern Gaza - FRANCE 24 English

Sports - Google News (uk) 

  1. Live: Israeli strikes kill dozens in Lebanon and northern Gaza  FRANCE 24 English
  2. LIVE: Israeli attacks kill dozens in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria  Al Jazeera English
  3. Dozens killed as Israeli strikes destroy home, Gaza officials say  The Guardian
  4. At least 40 Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes in Gaza, medics say  Reuters
  5. Gaza: At least 33 civilians reportedly killed in strike in Jabalia  Channel 4 News

Live: Pentagon says US warplanes hit Iran-backed Houthi targets in Yemen

France24.com (en) 

US warplanes staged multiple strikes overnight on Iran-backed Houthi weapons storage facilities in Yemen, the Pentagon said Sunday as the Houthi-run Al Masirah television network reported three American and British raids that targeted Yemen's capital Sanaa. Follow our live coverage for the latest developments in the war in the Middle East.


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