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Новости за 07.01.2025

Tottenham may have to sell forgotten winger for a reduced price


One Tottenham Hotspur player is likely to leave the club in the summer, but the club where he is currently on loan do not want... The post Tottenham may have to sell forgotten winger for a reduced price appeared first on Spurs Web.

OnePlus 13 launches globally from $899, and it’s kicking off 2025 on a high note - 9to5Google

Top Stories (us) - Google News (com) 

  1. OnePlus 13 launches globally from $899, and it’s kicking off 2025 on a high note  9to5Google
  2. OnePlus 13 Review: 2025’s First Flagship Finds Success  Forbes
  3. OnePlus 13 vs. OnePlus 13R: Here's What To Know About Their Specs and Features  CNET
  4. I replaced my iPhone 16 Pro Max with the OnePlus 13 - and didn't regret it  ZDNet
  5. OnePlus 13 review: finally, a flagship that can hang  The Verge

An attitude of gratitude: Mikey’s journey

Nation News.com 

“I was coming home from an Old Year’s Night gig on January 1st last year, and being extremely tired, I fell asleep at the wheel. I remember driving through Broad Street and thinking ‘I feel real tired’. What I would normally do in a case like that if I am very tired is I pull […]

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OnePlus 13 review: finally, a flagship that can hang - The Verge

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. OnePlus 13 review: finally, a flagship that can hang  The Verge
  2. OnePlus 13 review: I'm dumbfounded, I can't find anything wrong with this phone  TechRadar
  3. OnePlus 13 Review: The Best $899 You Can Spend On A Phone  Forbes
  4. OnePlus 13 vs. OnePlus 13R: Here's What To Know About Their Specs and Features  CNET
  5. OnePlus 13 Targets Passionate Photographers With Impressive Hasselblad Camera System  PetaPixel

NBA: Bucks zoom past struggling Raptors


TORONTO — Giannis Antetokounmpo had 11 points, 13 assists and 12 rebounds for his fourth triple-double of the NBA season, Damian Lillard scored 25 points and the Milwaukee Bucks beat the struggling Toronto Raptors 128-104 on Monday night. Antetokounmpo needed three stitches to close a cut near the base of his right pinkie but returned

Jimmy Carter on his way back to Washington, where he remained an outsider

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Jimmy Carter's state funeral is moving to Washington after observances in his native Georgia. The 39th president's remains left the Carter Presidential Center on Tuesday morning and will fly to Washington aboard Special Air Mission 39. The Carter family and former president will arrive at Joint Base Andrews, with a motorcade following to the U.S. Navy Memorial. Carter's flag-draped casket will be transferred to a horse-drawn caisson for his final journey to the Capitol. Carter is the only U.S. Naval Academy graduate to become president. Читать дальше...

The polar vortex brings its bitter cold to the Southern US

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The plunging polar vortex is bringing subfreezing temperatures to some of the southernmost points of the U.S. A forming storm system threatens to dump snow on parts of Texas and Oklahoma, while communities in Louisiana and Florida may see frigid cold. The arctic blast that descended on much of the U.S. east of the Rockies over the weekend has caused hundreds of car accidents, thousands of flight cancellations and delays, and forced school closures in some states. The polar vortex of ultra-cold air usually spins around the North Pole... Читать дальше...

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Chakwera Calls New Ministers To Serve Malawians or Face Dismisal

Malawi Voice.com 

President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has urged newly appointed ministers and deputy ministers to perform effectively and contribute to restoring the country’s progress for the benefit of Malawians. Joyce Chitsulo Being Sworn In He made the remarks today, during the official swearing-in ceremony, for the newly appointed ministers and deputy ministers at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe. […]

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Urgent search and rescue operation for two Britons missing in the Dolomites - The Independent

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Urgent search and rescue operation for two Britons missing in the Dolomites  The Independent
  2. Friends and family ‘waiting anxiously’ on news of Britons missing in Dolomites  The Independent
  3. Search begins for British hikers missing in northern Italy since New Year’s Day  The Guardian
  4. Sister of Brit missing along with pal in the Italian mountains since New Years Day says she is 'desperate' for  Daily Mail
  5. Two British men missing for nearly a week in Dolomites... Читать дальше...


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