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How Jakobi Meyers Feels About Patriots Not Trading Receivers — Including Himself

FOXBORO, Mass. — Ahead of Tuesday’s trade deadline, it seemed like a foregone conclusion that the Patriots would move at least one of their receivers.

Nelson Agholor was mentioned in rumors as far back as March. Kendrick Bourne first showed up on the rumor mill during training camp and stayed there until 4 p.m. ET on Tuesday. Even Jakobi Meyers, by far New England’s most productive and consistent receiver, reportedly generated interest due to his status as an impending free agent.

But the entire receiving corps remained intact after the deadline, with the Patriots opting against making any trades. And that likely was welcome news among New England’s wideouts, who formed a close group last year and welcomed veteran DeVante Parker and rookie Tyquan Thornton during the offseason.

Meyers on Friday was asked whether there was any relief over the Patriots not breaking up their receiver group.

“It’s the Patriots, you know what I mean?” Meyers said after the final practice before Sunday’s home game against the Indianapolis Colts. “You never know. It’s better off not even thinking about it and just enjoying every day that you have here, honestly. And I kinda came in in that situation (as a rookie in 2019). I never knew what day was my last day. So, at this point, I’m just happy to be here still.”

Meyers then was asked directly about his own name popping up in trade rumors.

“I’m not gonna lie, I don’t really care,” he said. “If I’m here, I’m happy to be here. If I’m gone, tell everybody I miss them and it was great being with them. But I’m still happy to be here, and I still got a job. So, gonna keep on swinging.”

Meyers’ free agency will be one of the more fascinating Patriots storylines next offseason. The 25-year-old is a very good player, but it’s fair to wonder whether he’s priced himself out of New England. The Patriots project to have significant salary cap space, but they also could have other important roster needs to address, such as linebacker and offensive tackle.

At the end of the day, there were cases for and against the Patriots moving a receiver before the deadline. But the reality is that, outside of Meyers, New England doesn’t have many proven, reliable commodities at the position. Bourne’s situation remains confounding, Parker’s health is a concern (as expected) and Agholor can’t find any consistency. Thornton only has played four games in the NFL.

The Patriots decided to maintain their depth at one of football’s most important positions, which probably was the right call.

The post How Jakobi Meyers Feels About Patriots Not Trading Receivers — Including Himself appeared first on NESN.com.

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