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Новости за 04.11.2022

Taylor Swift Reacts To Selena Gomez's 'My Mind & Me' Documentary After Selena Called Taylor Her 'Only Friend in the Industry'

«Just Jared» 

Taylor Swift is always in Selena Gomez‘s corner. The 32-year-old “Shake It Off” hitmaker took to social media to share her reaction to the 30-year-old singer and actress’ new Apple TV+ documentary Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me, which premiered on Friday (November 4). She had nothing but good things to say about her long-time [...]

DS News: Bad Religion’s Greg Graffin to release historical memoir, “Punk Paradox”; book signing in Hollywood this weekend

Dying Scene 

In case you missed it, legendary Bad Religion front man Greg Graffin is releasing another book in the very near future. Entitled Punk Paradox, this one is billed as his “life narrative before and during L.A. punk’s early years, detailing his observations on the genre’s explosive growth and his band’s steady rise in importance.” It […]

Vigorous Physical Activity Linked to Lower Mortality


FRIDAY, Nov. 4, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Vigorous physical activity (VPA) is associated with reduced mortality, and increasing the intensity of physical activity is associated with lower rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to two studies published online Oct. 27…

Cheektowaga man found with stolen gun, body armor arrested


ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (WIVB) -- A 28-year-old Cheektowaga man is facing multiple charges following a gun-related incident in Orchard Park, according to the Orchard Park Police Department. At approximately 9:29 a.m. Friday, police say they responded to the scene after receiving a call that a male, identified as Sean Mueller, had a handgun and was [...]

Hit shows like Houses of Cards and Peaky Blinders will not be on $6.99 Netflix subscription - Daily Mail

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Hit shows like Houses of Cards and Peaky Blinders will not be on $6.99 Netflix subscription  Daily Mail
  2. Netflix needs to fix its cheaper ad-supporter tier, and fast  TechRadar
  3. Users Rip Netflix Ad Tier For Removing Popular Streaming Content  Giant Freakin Robot
  4. I just tried Netflix with ads — and it's as bad as I thought  Tom's Guide
  5. Netflix's ad-supported plan is missing some of its biggest titles  NME
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

Missing pregnant Arkansas mom and baby found dead in Missouri after couple allegedly kidnaps her - CNN


  1. Missing pregnant Arkansas mom and baby found dead in Missouri after couple allegedly kidnaps her  CNN
  2. Arrests made after Arkansas woman, baby found dead in Missouri  5NEWS
  3. Missing pregnant Arkansas woman found dead at 'separate location' from slain baby, couple arrested in Missouri  Fox News
  4. 'She wanted to claim unborn as her own': new details released in kidnapping murder  KATV
  5. Missouri couple charged with kidnapping, murder of pregnant Arkansas woman  5NEWS
  6. View... Читать дальше...

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The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball 

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