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Inside abandoned mansion left forgotten for years – and it’s hiding a treasure trove of vintage cars worth £20MILLION


AN old abandoned mansion has been discovered hiding a treasure trove of vintage cars worth £20million.

The country house – located near Chester – was built in the 1800s and has been abandoned for years.

@TokyoMatilda / CATERS NEWS (PICTURED A retro BMW found in the abandoned mansion's grounds) An old mansion once worth four million pounds has been discovered abandoned and full of old cars, vintage clothes and ancient camera equipment. Located in Chester, UK, the mansion was built in the 1800s and has been left abandoned for years, causing its value to plummet to a mere £1.2 million. Tokyo Scott, 19, a self detailer for vehicles, from Sheffield, UK, has been exploring abandoned buildings since she was 14 years old and has always been obsessed with photographing places where nature has begun to repossess man made structures. While searching the property, Tokyo and her fellow explorers discovered hundreds of old vehicles, including fire trucks and lorries - but they were most blown away by the taxidermy they found inside the property. SEE CATERS COPY
An old abandoned mansion has been discovered hiding a treasure trove of vintage cars worth £20million
Caters News Agency
@TokyoMatilda / CATERS NEWS (PICTURED A vintage Ford at the mansion) An old mansion once worth four million pounds has been discovered abandoned and full of old cars, vintage clothes and ancient camera equipment. Located in Chester, UK, the mansion was built in the 1800s and has been left abandoned for years, causing its value to plummet to a mere £1.2 million. Tokyo Scott, 19, a self detailer for vehicles, from Sheffield, UK, has been exploring abandoned buildings since she was 14 years old and has always been obsessed with photographing places where nature has begun to repossess man made structures. While searching the property, Tokyo and her fellow explorers discovered hundreds of old vehicles, including fire trucks and lorries - but they were most blown away by the taxidermy they found inside the property. SEE CATERS COPY
This green Ford was manufactured in 1987
Caters News Agency

Tokyo Scott, 19, a self-detailer for vehicles from Sheffield, UK, has been exploring abandoned buildings since she was 14 years old.

And has always been obsessed with photographing places where nature has begun to repossess man-made structures.

While searching the property, Tokyio and her fellow explorers discovered hundreds of old vehicles, including fire trucks and lorries.

The explorer came across a BMW covered in mould and a Ford in green that was manufactured in 1987, among other classic cars.

But they were most blown away by the taxidermy they found inside the property.

Tokyo said: “Sadly, the owner died and left his belongings to his children, who didn’t show much interest and left it to rot.

“This could be possibly due to how much work and maintenance was needed to upkeep everything.

“I started exploring abandoned buildings when I was about 14 years old, as I loved photography and nature.

“Exploring With Josh is a YouTube channel. He films hundreds of abandoned places around the world.

“He’s truly inspiring as he’s been doing it for many years and never given up or changed for anyone. That’s what I aspire to be.

“The house was worth four million a while ago, but due to the state of it now, has now been reduced to £1.2 million, which is quite a drastic drop.”

This comes after two urban explorers undercovered hundreds of abandoned cars.

Plus, an incredible car graveyard at an abandoned house was revealed in a video online.

@TokyoMatilda / CATERS NEWS (PICTURED A vintage Rover found at the masnion) An old mansion once worth four million pounds has been discovered abandoned and full of old cars, vintage clothes and ancient camera equipment. Located in Chester, UK, the mansion was built in the 1800s and has been left abandoned for years, causing its value to plummet to a mere £1.2 million. Tokyo Scott, 19, a self detailer for vehicles, from Sheffield, UK, has been exploring abandoned buildings since she was 14 years old and has always been obsessed with photographing places where nature has begun to repossess man made structures. While searching the property, Tokyo and her fellow explorers discovered hundreds of old vehicles, including fire trucks and lorries - but they were most blown away by the taxidermy they found inside the property. SEE CATERS COPY
The explorer also found a vintage red Rover at the mansion
Caters News Agency
@TokyoMatilda / CATERS NEWS (PICTURED An old BMW found in the building) An old mansion once worth four million pounds has been discovered abandoned and full of old cars, vintage clothes and ancient camera equipment. Located in Chester, UK, the mansion was built in the 1800s and has been left abandoned for years, causing its value to plummet to a mere £1.2 million. Tokyo Scott, 19, a self detailer for vehicles, from Sheffield, UK, has been exploring abandoned buildings since she was 14 years old and has always been obsessed with photographing places where nature has begun to repossess man made structures. While searching the property, Tokyo and her fellow explorers discovered hundreds of old vehicles, including fire trucks and lorries - but they were most blown away by the taxidermy they found inside the property. SEE CATERS COPY
This BMW was also found on the building
Caters News Agency

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