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Новости за 12.06.2023

Rhythm-based battle royale game Headbangers: Rhythm R

GameGuru Mania 

Publisher Team17 and developer Glee-Cheese Games have announced rhythm-based battle royale game Headbangers: Rhythm Royale for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Switch, and PC (Steam). It will launch in 2023. ...

How to choose the best sunscreen

NBC News 

Not all sunscreens are created equal; experts recommend looking for SPFs with broad-spectrum protection to keep your skin safe from both UVA and UVB rays.

In-studio guest: Matt Walters talks Wildcat sports on K-Nation


TOPEKA (KSNT)- Matt Walters of K-State Sports Network joined the K-Nation team in-studio on Sunday. Walters handles sideline reporting for K-State football's radio broadcasts. Plus, he does radio play-by-play for K-State baseball and women's basketball. He talked about all those sports in Sunday's edition of K-Nation. One thing Walters deals with that fans might not [...]

HFPA disbands, Golden Globes to continue

United Press International (UPI.com) 

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced Monday the membership would disband as Dick Clark Productions and Eldridge Industries continues the Golden Globe Awards.

Odisha train tragedy: Mass cremation looms over 81 unclaimed bodies

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Many of the anxious families awaiting word on the outcome of DNA matching to identify the 81 unclaimed bodies of the Odisha train-crash victims might have no other option but to seek closure through a mass cremation, officials said on Monday after identifying four possible sites in Bhubaneswar for the final rites.

Jeremy Hunt promises 'path to lower taxes' - The Telegraph

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Jeremy Hunt promises 'path to lower taxes'  The Telegraph
  2. Hunt announces drive to boost UK public sector productivity  Financial Times
  3. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's speech at the Centre for Policy Studies  GOV.UK
  4. Taxes could fall if UK boosts productivity in public sector, Hunt suggests  Hampstead Highgate Express
  5. Jeremy Hunt: Slash state or austerity will return  The Times
  6. View Full coverage on Google News

Patriots Rookie Reveals Story Behind Edelman-Esque Position Change

New England Sportd Network: World Cup 

FOXBORO, Mass. — Last week, Bill Belichick compared a typical Patriots rookie’s first few months in the NFL to “drinking out of a firehose.” Imagine, then, what this experience must be like for Malik Cunningham, who’s not just making the leap from college to the pros, but doing so at a position he’s never played […]

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Lords of the Fallen 'Dual Worlds' gameplay

GameGuru Mania 

Publisher CI Games and developer Hexworks have released a new gameplay showcase trailer for Lords of the Fallen dubbed “Dual Worlds.” Lords of the Fallen is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam on October 13. ...

How a calendar tweak in New York could boost turnout in local races

Daily Kos 

New York’s Democratic-led state legislature passed a bill over the weekend to move elections for county and town government from odd-numbered to even-numbered years, and while Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul said she still needs to review the legislation, she sounds likely to sign it. “I would say having elections in the year when there's more people turning out for either a presidential or a gubernatorial race, it increases turnout," said the governor, "and more people voting in these elections... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости

"Новосибирск, бро, за всё прости": концерт Басты на "Сибирь-Арене" собрал аншлаг

Сергей Шойгу

Шойгу отстранил Тимура Иванова от должности замглавы Минобороны

Рубль на открытии торгов Московской биржи вырос к доллару

Завод Москвы начал серийный выпуск плетенки для защиты электрических кабелей

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Monti Ossenfort on Budda Baker: We’re going to keep our line of communication open


While Cardinals safety Budda Baker had not attended the voluntary portion of the team’s offseason program after requesting a trade, he did report for mandatory minicamp on Monday. Baker has two seasons left on his contract and is slated to be paid $13.1 million in 2023 and $14.2 million in 2024. But he has no [more]


Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

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Рэпер Баста благословил девушку на брак во время своего концерта

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве

Команда подмосковного главка Росгвардии заняла призовое место на чемпионате Центрального округа по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия

В Московской области прошел чемпионат Центрального округа Росгвардии по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия

Елена Рыбакина

«Был риск завершить борьбу еще в первом матче». В России оценили победу Рыбакиной в Штутгарте

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