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Donald Trump Just Got Some Free Legal Advice From the Most Unlikely Source


Amid former President Donald Trump’s second indictment, it seems quite a few people are ready to give him some free legal advice — including an extremely confusing and unlikely source. We’re not going to ask you to guess, because there’s no way you’ll get it. It seems Trump just got free legal advice from OJ […]

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Amid former President Donald Trump’s second indictment, it seems quite a few people are ready to give him some free legal advice — including an extremely confusing and unlikely source. We’re not going to ask you to guess, because there’s no way you’ll get it. It seems Trump just got free legal advice from OJ Simpson.

On June 9, the If I Did It author shared a confusing video on his Twitter page with the simple caption reading, “The best legal advice I ever received.”

In the video, Simpson said he was watching the news when he saw Trump’s latest legal predicament. “I’m [going to] share some advice that I got from the greatest legal minds of our generation,” he said, before listing a bunch of lawyers. “The one thing they all told me, and stressed to me: ‘Do not talk about the case publicly. Do not do interviews about the case.’ I don’t know if Donald’s lawyers are stressing this to him. If they’re not they should be fired and he should sue them.”

He then started discussing football players, along with a bunch of football analogies and facts for the last two minutes of the video.

In April, Trump was indicted for the first time amid charges related to the hush-money trial, and in early June, he was indicted for allegedly mishandling federal documents.

Now, let’s talk about Simpson: he was acquitted of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. But he did end up having to pay $33.5 million in damages to the Brown and Goldman families for wrongful death. However, he found himself in legal trouble again, when he was convicted of armed robbery and sentenced to nine years in prison.

So, this wasn’t exactly what anyone expected from Simpson.

Before you go, click here to see the biggest presidential scandals in US History. 
Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton

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