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Lauren Goodger rushes daughter Larose to the doctor as 23-month-old falls ‘poorly’


LAUREN Goodger has revealed that she took her 23-month-old daughter Larose to an emergency doctors appointment today after spotting signs that he was unwell.

The doting mum, 36, said her adorable baby girl Larose began to feel “poorly” and was taken to see a GP for treatment.

Lauren Goodger rushed her daughter to an emergency doctor’s appointment today
The Essex star said her baby girl was feeling ‘poorly’ this morning

Lauren shared the news on Instagram and wrote: “My poor bubs got tonsillitis – seen the doctor this morning as I knew she was poorly.”

She then said things were looking positive as the tot begins a course of antibiotics.

“So on the hottest day we are in bed all day with the fan on, fruit, cold drinks and lots of cuddles,” the reality star continued alongside a picture of a bowl of fresh strawberries.

“They gave her antibiotics, so on the mend.”

Lauren – who shares Larose with ex-boyfriend Charles Drury – is just months away from celebrating her daughter’s second birthday.

Last August, Lauren treated her little girl to not one, but two cakes – a pink four-tier cake with a rose on top, while another was yellow and pink with her name on it for her birthday.

The room also had an an amazing rose-themed balloon display set up.

There was also a bouncy castle, soft play area and a beautiful table set up for the youngsters to enjoy.

Lauren also had an amazing spread of food for guests, which included a selection of meat, fruit and cheeses.

The ex-Towie star put on brave face and celebrated Larose’s first birthday after losing her baby girl Lorena.

The star managed to enjoy the special day and was all smiles as she posed next to pal Marnie Simpson for a snap.

At the time Lauren has opened up on her “horrendous few weeks” after she was allegedly attacked on the day of her baby’s funeral.

Lauren’s eldest daughter Larose turned one two weeks later, and the family buried Lorena on August 5.

She said her ordeal has shown her who is important in her life as she asked her late daughter Lorena to guide her.

Lauren penned: “Just want to say thank you to everyone for all the love & support in this horrendous terrible whirlwind in my life the last few weeks! I do read your messages thank you.

“During this traumatic time I’ve lost but I’ve also gained some values in this awful heartbroken time … some new friends and become closer to my current ones & some family.

“It really has shown me who is meant to be in my life and I love each and every one one of you thank you.

“I only have a few and that’s all I need and it’s taught me some life long lessons however hard it’s been.”

She continued: “Asked Lorena when I had her at home the night before her funeral ‘please guide me please let my life, lead the path it’s meant to be & give me strength & courage’ and a lot changed instantly and I trust her.

“She is making my new path thank you Lorena I love you and I know you’re with me always and I know you’ve cleared out and made way for what’s meant to be.”

Lauren opened up about her heartbreak of losing daughter Lorena last year[/caption]

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