News in English

Disciplinary investigation underway for police tardiness in Paphos femicide


Paphos police on Monday are continuing intensive investigations into the murder of a 41-year-old woman by her estranged husband, aged 48.

The incident unfolded at around 10am on Friday in the village of Tremithousa when the two allegedly began fighting and both attacked each other with knives.

In undetermined circumstances, the victim, Petya Krateva, was either thrown or fell a height of three metres from the apartment balcony.

According to assistant police chief of Paphos, Michalis Nikolaou, the 48-year-old man is being held under guard in eight-day custody at the Paphos general hospital, where he is being treated.

The investigation is focussed on gathering testimonies from family and friends of the couple, as well physical evidence from the area where the crime was committed, Nikolaou told the Cyprus News Agency.

He said that more than 40 statements are expected to be taken while CCTV footage and lab testing will also be carried out. As part of the examinations, mobile phone data of both the victim and the suspect will be investigated, he added.

It is recalled that during his arrest, the suspect claimed the victim had visited him at his home on Friday morning to talk about problems between them.

During their meeting, according to the suspect’s claims, the 41-year-old requested money in order to withdraw a domestic violence complaint she had previously filed against him on June 11, at the Paphos police department.

The man refused and a heated argument ensued, as reported by the 48-year-old, who alleged that he was attacked first by the woman. After that, as he reported, he lost consciousness and does not know what happened.

The 48-year-old’s defence lawyer did not object to the eight-day detention request.

In the meantime, the Minister of Justice Marios Hartsiotis ordered an investigation into the femicide to establish whether there was police delay inresponse to the incident which happened in broad daylight alarming neighbours who said they had tried repeatedly to get in touch with authorities.

Alphanews shared a screenshot of an individual who had called police four times to no avail. “After it was all over, they got here,” the person said.

Hartsiotis offered his assurance that if the investigation proves that there was negligence on the part of the police, those responsible will be held to account.

In the meantime, two officers have been placed on suspension in the context of a disciplinary investigation which covers a total of seven police members.

According to police spokesman Christos Andreou the preliminary report of the investigating officer appointed on Friday indicated further investigation was in order.

An investigating officer has therefore been appointed to conduct a disciplinary inquiry into seven police staff.

The investigating officer is called upon to establish whether the appropriate actions were taken for a prompt search and arrest of the suspect and for the execution of an issued arrest warrant, following the victim’s original complaint.

An autopsy revealed the 41-year-old woman’s death was caused by internal bleeding from a stab wound and the piercing of an organ.

The victim had two minor children aged two and 12 have been taken under the guardianship of the state.

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