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Paphos hotels see improvement in late June after slow start — Kataklysmos weekend boosts occupancy rate

Paphos hotels see improvement in late June after slow start — Kataklysmos weekend boosts occupancy rate

June saw a muted start for the hotel industry in the Paphos district but has shown some improvement as the month progressed, according to the president of the Paphos Hoteliers Association (Pasyxe) Evripides Loizides.

In statements made to the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), Loizides mentioned that June is expected to end with slightly lower occupancy rates compared to last year, estimated to range between 65 per cent and 85 per cent.

He also highlighted that 2024 is anticipated to see slightly lower arrival numbers in Cyprus, provided there are no unforeseen events.

Moreover, he mentioned that occupancy rates in Paphos hotels are also expected to decrease, noting that “statements made in our region are not helping at all”, referencing recent geopolitical developments, including threats against Cyprus.

When asked about the reasons behind the reduced occupancy, Loizides attributed it to several factors, including the flow of tourists to the occupied areas, stays in illegal short-term rental units, and the shortened duration of tourist stays in Cyprus as they attempt to cut vacation costs.

Reviewing the situation in Paphos since the beginning of the year, the regional Pasyxe president noted that January was a challenging month, slightly worse than the previous year.

However, he remarked that from February 10 to the end of March, Paphos experienced its best tourist performance ever, despite the relatively small number of tourists.

“The number of tourists may have been small, but the situation with visitor numbers progressed to better levels,” he said, noting that this is encouraging in terms of Paphos’ potential for year-round tourism.

Loizides added that April was slightly worse compared to last year, followed by a difficult May with lower occupancy rates.

Regarding the Kataklysmos holiday weekend, Loizides stated that Paphos enjoyed a great deal of local visitors, with many Cypriots staying in hotels in the district, leading to most of them being fully booked.

In terms of Loizides’ remark about geopolitical comments that might negatively impact the local tourist industry, this was also echoed by the Hotel Professionals of Cyprus (Pasydixe).

Earlier this week, the association expressed concern over press coverage highlighting tourist safety after recent Hezbollah threats, calling it a “bolt from the blue”.

The association warned that negative reports could harm tourism and the economy if not properly managed.

Moreover, Pasydixe emphasised the need to defuse the situation, as unfounded geopolitical insecurity could deter visitors.

Meanwhile, Cyprus Hoteliers Association Director General Philokypros Roussounides reported a 10 per cent decline in tourism compared to last year, attributing it to regional political issues, the economic situation in the UK, and major events like Euro 2024.

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