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‘Positive climate between Greece and Turkey will contribute to Cyprus solution’


The “positive climate” in diplomatic relations between Greece and Turkey will contribute to a solution to the Cyprus problem, former Turkish President Abdullah Gul said on Thursday.

Speaking at an event in Athens, he said Greece and Turkey “must be careful” to preserve the positive developments in relations between the two countries seen in recent years.

“We must not fall into the trap of marginal groups which may be provocative. Continuing and strengthening the positive atmosphere that has recently been captured in our relations will be to the benefit of our countries and the entire region,” he said.

He then moved on to the matter of Cyprus.

“Such a positive climate will also contribute to finding a just, permanent, sustainable, and mutually acceptable solution to the Cyprus issue based on the realities on the island,” he began.

He added, “the results of the solution to the Cyprus problem will be much more beneficial than expected.

“It will contribute to the solution of many problematic issues, from energy supply to regional security, and cooperation in Nato and the European Union. Above all, this solution will bring prosperity and wealth to the entire Mediterranean region. We must not lose sight of this strategic perspective,” he said.

He added that with this in mind, “we can join hands as Turks and Greeks with a positive and honest approach towards each other”, with a view towards becoming “productive elements of cooperation in our region”.

“In doing so, we will explore and evaluate a sea of opportunities in front of us together,” he said.

He had earlier said that “the sun is shining” on relations between Greece and Turkey, and that the interconnected nature of the two countries’ relations “makes our relations much more special”.

“Our common geography is our destiny. Therefore, we must be conscious enough to act in accordance with this reality,” he said.

“An approach based on good will, openness, trust, and empathy always makes a difference in the development of our relations. When I applied this approach with my Greek counterparts in my previous roles, we achieved satisfactory results,” he added.

Abdullah Gul is connected to Turkey’s ruling Ak Parti and was the party’s first Prime Minister when elected in 2002, with party leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan then banned from office having earlier served a prison sentence.

He was replaced by Erdogan in 2003 when the latter’s ban was overturned and was then nominated by Turkey’s parliament as the country’s President in 2007 following that year’s general election.

Erdogan replaced him in that role, too, becoming Turkey’s first directly-elected President in 2014.

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