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Hermes Airports awarded for HR excellence by ACI Europe


Hermes Airports, which manages and operates both the Larnaca and Paphos international airports, on Monday announced that it has received an award for its leadership and HR practices.

According to the announcement, the HR Excellence Award was awarded to Hermes during the Annual Congress & General Assembly of ACI Europe, which took place last week in Istanbul.

Airports Council International (ACI) Europe is a European industry trade association which advances the collective interests of Europe’s airports.

The announcement stated that “the award confirms the emphasis placed by the company on human resources, while at the same time serving as the embodiment of Hermes Airports’ ongoing efforts to develop and implement a wide range of initiatives and programs that place people at the centre”.

“These innovative practices focus, among others, on training, respect and collaboration, talent management, employee well-being, recognition and reward, and executive coaching,” it added.

What is more, Hermes Airports said that its nomination was “praised by the judges and the organisation was recognised once again as an employer of choice with strong leadership”.

The announcement explained that Hermes was praised for its investment in the development of its people, fostering a culture of equality and inclusion, and development opportunities which improve both the personal and professional lives of its people.

Natasa Iacovides, Director of Human Resources & Executive Coach of Hermes Airports, said that “this award showcases Hermes’ ongoing commitment to fostering a workplace where everyone feels respected and has the opportunity to develop”.

“It is an honour that our efforts are recognised by an international organisation. We know that the key to maintaining a healthy organisation with strong leadership and a high-performance culture is continuous development,” she added.

“For this reason, we remain dedicated to the goal of development, for the benefit of the organisation, its people, the economy and the society at large,” Iacovides concluded.

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