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Cuban rhythms in the heart of Nicosia


Music from far, far away is coming to the capital city this month as part of the Nicosia International Festival. The acclaimed 13-piece band Maykel Blanco Y Su Salsa Mayor of Maykel Blanco will grace the stage of the Nicosia Municipal Theatre on October 23, bringing their explosive Latino rhythms.

Two years after a packed Nicosia Municipal Theatre danced to the rhythms of the Cuban band Septeto Santiaguero from Cuba, the Cuban rhythms of Maykel Blanco and the multi-member group Maykel Blanco Y Su Salsa Mayor are coming to Nicosia.

“Maykel Blanco, without a doubt, has managed to occupy a prominent position in the Cuban and international music sphere,” says organisers. “Today, the artist and his band belong to the generation of artists who defend the values of Cuban popular music and are highly appreciated all over the world.”

Music has been a part of Maykel’s life since he was young as his parents and uncles were part of the Los Guaracheros de Regla troupe. Since performing professionally, Maykel has written and composed several hit songs and has been on the list of national and international radio and television hits. His tours have taken him around Asia, Europe, North America, Central and Latin America and even to Cyprus.

His upcoming performance this October is not the first time the artist performs on the island. In 2017 he was hosted by Paphos as the European Capital of Culture 2017. Now he returns to enchant Nicosia audiences and share his foot-tapping and hip-swaying music.

“Maykel Blanco,” conclude organisers, “is one of the most faithful exponents of Cuban music, followed by many generations of Cubans. Stage mastery, professionalism and, above all, passion for Cuban music make up his image. It is no coincidence that he leads one of the most popular orchestras in Cuba and the world and is an essential part of Cuban musical history and culture.”

As the autumn and winter months arrive, more productions from abroad will be staged at the Nicosia Municipal Theatre. Coming soon is a triptych of choreographic pieces from acclaimed international artists as well as a theatre production dissecting the theme of fascism.

Maykel Blanco Y Su Salsa Mayor of Maykel Blanco

Cuban band performs live. Part of the Nicosia International Festival. October 23. Nicosia Municipal Theatre, Nicosia. 8.30pm. Tickets sold at www.soldoutticketbox.com and Stephanis stores, Nicosia Municipal Theatre box office. €14-20. https://www.facebook.com/NicosiaIntlFestival

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