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Koumis hails positive outlook for Cyprus at London’s World Travel Market


Deputy Tourism Minister Costas Koumis continued his meetings in London on Tuesday, as part of the World Travel Market (WTM), the major annual international tourism exhibition, where he reported positive feedback from the tourism industry, underlining “a promising outlook for Cyprus”.

The meetings included discussions with major airlines, travel organisers, and representatives from the British and international tourism sectors.

“We have completed a significant round of meetings with key figures in the global tourism market,” Koumis told reporters from the Cyprus pavilion, which hosted about 55 co-exhibitors.

Koumis highlighted the timing of the WTM, held each year in early November, as ideal for reviewing the current year’s performance, particularly the summer season, while also planning for the year ahead.

“All the stakeholders we met expressed very positive remarks about Cyprus as a destination. Cyprus has established itself as a trusted destination, closely associated with safety,” Koumis said, adding that there was a general sense of optimism about next year’s prospects.

However, Koumis acknowledged ongoing issues in the aviation sector, including delays in aircraft deliveries by manufacturers, which impact airline schedules.

“Despite these challenges, we remain optimistic about achieving another successful year in 2025, comparable to this year,” he said.

On the UK market specifically, Koumis said it has historically been the largest and most significant market for Cyprus tourism. Last year saw over 1.3 million arrivals from the UK, and the first nine months of 2024 recorded a 4.9 per cent increase. Projections for 2025 anticipate similar levels.

Nevertheless, Koumis explained that any further growth in UK arrivals would require extending the tourist season.

“Increasing the British market further, especially in summer, would mean reducing visitors from other markets due to near full hotel occupancy,” he said. “Our focus is on diversifying tourism and extending the season, which we are achieving gradually. This year, we have added a few more weeks to the season.”

Looking ahead, Koumis said the goal for 2025 is to strengthen the start and end of the tourism season, expressing optimism that Cyprus could meet the goal.

In addition to the meetings, Koumis also took part in a ministerial session at the WTM focused on how artificial intelligence is shaping the evolution of tourism.

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Собянин: Победители и призеры XVII летних Паралимпийских игр в Париже получат призовые от Москвы

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