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Josh King’s viral slide-out MagSafe gamepad found a home at OhSnap and looks amazing

Image: Josh King / OhSnap

When 19-year-old Josh King suggested he would single-handedly redefine mobile gaming with his 3D-printed gamepad, drawing a direct line from himself to Steve Jobs, I have to admit I thought it was a bit much!

But it’s no longer just a 3D-printed controller. OhSnap, the company behind the excellent magnetic PopSocket alternatives I showed you in October, is now officially turning his design into the coolest looking gamepad attachment I’ve ever seen for a phone:

It’s no taller or wider than an iPhone, so it should slide into a pocket. It’s got a MagSafe pattern of magnets to attach it to your magnetic ring device. You don’t have to remove it to use your phone like a phone, because the whole gamepad retracts underneath, a little like the slide-out keyboard phones (or PlayStation Phones) of old — and now, it’s mounted on a spring-loaded arm that pops out at the push of a button and also slightly angles your device towards your face.

Video by Josh King / OhSnap
The OhSnap Mcon’s hinge in action.

OhSnap even found room for a pair of Nintendo Switch-esque analog sticks, with drift-resistant Hall effect sensors, and pair of fold-out grips so you can (theoretically) hold it more like a full-size gamepad. The sticks are clickable buttons, and it’s got a full set of shoulder buttons and triggers as well.

Image: OhSnap
An illustration with the grips unfolded.

Two months ago, Retro Game Corps came away impressed with a prototype, and it seems King has been very busy since then. As he explains on YouTube, he initially tried to start his own company around the gamepad, even attracted a few investors, manufactured some boards and was working toward injection molding, before he started running out of money and reached out to OhSnap about a partnership.

Image: OhSnap
It’ll be available in black and white at launch, though King says they’re working on different mix and match colorful parts so you can style it.

Speaking of money, we don’t have any idea how much it’ll cost, particularly at retail — OhSnap is planning to launch a Kickstarter on January 2nd to raise funds. It’s taking signups here for now.

I should be getting my own hands on a prototype next month at CES 2025 in Las Vegas, and I’ll let you know how it feels.

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