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Forever 21 closing all stores in NY, NJ amid bankruptcy filing


NEW YORK (PIX11) – It looks like 21 isn't Forever for the clothing retailer.

Forever 21 is set to close all of its locations across the U.S. after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the company announced on Sunday. It's the second time in six years that the fashion retailer has filed for bankruptcy protection.

"While we have evaluated all options to best position the Company for the future, we have been unable to find a sustainable path forward, given competition from foreign fast fashion companies... as well as rising costs, economic challenges impacting our core customers, and evolving consumer trends," Forever 21 Chief Financial Officer Brad Sell said in a statement.

Some stores will close by March 30, while others will shutter before May 1. Here's where Forever 21 stores in New York and New Jersey are closing:

New York

New York City

  • Kings Plaza Mall: 5301 Kings Plaza, Brooklyn (closing May 1)
  • Staten Island Mall: 2655 Richmond Ave., Staten Island (closing May 1)
  • Seventh Avenue-Penn Station: 435 Seventh Ave., Manhattan (closing March 30)
  • Times Square: 1540 Broadway, Manhattan (closing March 30)
  • The Shops at Atlas Park: 80-40 Cooper Ave., Glendale (closing March 30)

Long Island

  • Green Acres Mall: 2034 Green Acres Mall, Valley Stream (closing March 30)
  • Smith Haven Mall: 313 Smith Haven Mall, Lake Grove (closing March 30)
  • South Shore Mall: 1701 Sunrise Highway, Bay Shore (closing May 1)
  • Roosevelt Field Mall: 630 Old Country Rd., Garden City (closing March 30)
  • Tanger Outlets Deer Park: 152 The Arches Cir., Deer Park (closing March 30)
  • Tanger Outlets Riverhead: 200 Tanger Mall Dr., Riverhead (closing March 30)

Northern Suburbs

  • Christiana Fashion Center: 1965 Fashion Center Blvd., Niagara Falls (closing March 30)
  • Cross Country Center: 8040 Mall Walk, Yonkers (closing March 30)
  • Eastview Mall: 7979 Pittsford Victor Rd., Victor (closing May 1)
  • Galleria at Crystal Run: 1 Galleria Dr., Middletown (closing May 1)
  • Jefferson Valley Mall: 650 Lee Blvd., Yorktown Heights (closing May 1)
  • Palisades Center: 3510 Palisades Center Dr., West Nyack (closing March 30)
  • Poughkeepsie Galleria: 2001 South Rd., Poughkeepsie (closing March 30)
  • The Westchester: 125 Westchester Ave., White Plains (closing May 1)
  • Walden Galleria: 1 Walden Galleria, Cheektowaga (closing March 30)
  • Woodbury Common Premium Outlets: 223 Red Apple Ct., Central Valley (closing May 1)

New Jersey

Atlantic County

  • Hamilton Mall: 4403 Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing (closing March 30)
  • Tanger Outlets Atlantic City: 2000 Arctic Ave., Atlantic City (closing March 30)

Bergen County

  • Westfield Garden State Plaza: 1 Garden State Plaza, Paramus (closing March 30)

Camden County

  • Cherry Hill Mall: 2000 Route 38, Cherry Hill (closing March 30)

Gloucester County

  • Deptford Mall: 1750 Deptford Center Rd., Deptford Township (closing March 30)

Hudson County

  • Newport Mall: 30 Mall Dr. West, Jersey City (closing March 30)

Mercer County

  • Quaker Bridge Mall: 174 Quaker Bridge Mall, Lawrence Township (closing March 30)

Middlesex County

  • Menlo Park: 55 Parsonage Rd., Edison (closing March 30)
  • Woodbridge Center Mall: 173 Woodbridge Center Drive, Woodbridge (closing March 30)

Monmouth County

  • Freehold Raceway Mall: 3710 Route 9, Freehold (closing March 30)

Morris County

  • Rockaway Townsquare: 301 Mt. Hope Ave., Rockaway (closing March 30)

Ocean County

  • Ocean County Mall: 1201 Hooper Ave., Toms River (closing March 30)

Passaic County

  • Willowbrook Mall: 1842 Willowbrook Mall, Wayne (closing May 1)

Somerset County

  • Bridgewater Commons: 400 Commons Way, Bridgewater (closing May 1)

Union County

  • The Mills at Jersey Gardens: 651 Kapkowski Rd., Elizabeth (closing March 30)

Forever 21's international locations will remain open, according to the company. You can still use a gift card at any location until April 15.

This story comprises reporting from WJET/WFXP's Joshua Hallenbeck.

Erin Pflaumer is a digital content producer from Long Island who has covered both local and national news since 2018. She joined PIX11 in 2023. See more of her work here.

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