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NYU Hospital on Long Island performs miraculous surgery


MINEOLA, Long Island (PIX11) -- A special day Thursday at NYU Langone Hospital Mineola. Baby Kennedy was born with a cleft palette. She reunited with doctors who performed the miraculous surgery on her. The 3-week-old preemie was diagnosed with a condition where her small jaw caused her tongue to block her airway causing choking. But [...]

101-year-old WWII veteran takes to skies over New Jersey


HILLSBOROUGH, N.J. (PIX11) - It's one heck of a way to spend your 101st birthday. "I love the view," said Donald Stern, a World War II Army Air Corps veteran. It's no B-17 Flying Fortress, the bomber Stern served on as a bombardier and navigator in the 1940s, but on board a Cessna Skyhawk, he [...]

'Turning open streets into habitats': Bee hotels create safety for at-risk bees in NYC


NEW YORK (PIX11) -- New York City is battling collapsing bee colonies by installing bee hotels and bunkers for at-risk bee populations around the city, the Department of Transportation announced on Thursday.  “Turning public plazas and open streets into habitats for at-risk bees is brilliant and exactly the type of innovative environmental model we love [...]

MTA outlines plans for storm projects


NEW YORK (PIX11) -- Water is a problem in the New York City transit system — even on a sunny day. But when heavy rainstorms and hurricanes strike, they can bring the commute to a halt. The MTA announced a new Climate Resilience Roadmap on Thursday at the Mott Haven Yard in the South Bronx. The [...]

La ciudad de Nueva York ofrece clases de inglés gratis


You can read the English version of this story here. NUEVA YORK (PIX11) – La ciudad de Nueva York, ofrece clases para inmigrantes que quieran aprender inglés. We Speak NYC, es un programa para personas de 16 años en adelante que quieran aprender inglés conversacional. El programa tendrá clases presenciales o por internet.  Las clases [...]

New York City offering free English classes


Puedes leer la versión en español de esta historia aqui. NEW YORK (PIX11) — New York City is offering a free English conversation and learning program for people 16 and older. We Speak NYC is a city-run program with the NYC Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs. It provides access to online and in-person classes, videos, [...]

Woman found stabbed to death in bathtub in East Harlem: NYPD


EAST HARLEM, N.Y. (PIX11) -- An arrest has been made in connection to the death of a woman who was found with multiple stab wounds on Tuesday, according to the NYPD. Candido Rodriguez, 51, of Manhattan, was taken into custody on Thursday and charged with murder and criminal possession of a weapon in the first [...]

Bronx mom accused of killing 6-year-old daughter in NYCHA complex


THE BRONX, N.Y. (PIX11) --- A Bronx mother is accused of killing her 6-year-old daughter in their NYCHA apartment last year, police said Thursday. Lynija Eason Kumar, 27, was arrested and charged with murder and manslaughter in connection to the May 26, 2023 incident, according to the NYPD. The child, Jalayah Eason, was found unconscious [...]

Fifth arrest made in violent Staten Island home invasion: NYPD


STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. (PIX11) -- A fifth suspect has been arrested in connection with a violent home invasion on Staten Island last December that involved robbers allegedly pistol-whipping a woman and a 5-year-old girl, police said Friday. Tyzay Bennet, 19, of Staten Island, was arrested and charged with burglary in connection with the Dec. 18 [...]

Woman drives into man who tried to break up fight on Upper East Side: NYPD


UPPER EAST SIDE, Manhattan (PIX11) – A woman is accused of driving into a man on the Upper East Side on April 2, according to the NYPD. The incident happened on 2nd Avenue around 5:20 p.m. A 49-year-old man was trying to break up a fight between two people when the suspect allegedly drove her [...]


Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

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Концерт JONY во Владивостоке: ждут ли его горожане?

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Кыргызстанцы завоевали медали на международном турнире по танцам в Москве

Генерал-полковник Алексей Воробьев высоко оценил подготовку кинологов Росгвардии к предстоящим соревнованиям по профессиональному многоборью

Депутат Московской областной Думы провела осмотр ФОКа в Волоколамске

Елена Рыбакина

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