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Auburn, Duke and the 66 other teams competing in the 2025 NCAA tournament - ESPN

Top Stories (us) - Google News (com) 

  1. Auburn, Duke and the 66 other teams competing in the 2025 NCAA tournament  ESPN
  2. 2025 NCAA printable bracket, schedule for March Madness  NCAA.com
  3. 2025 NCAA men’s basketball tournament bracket  The Washington Post
  4. What channel is NIT bracket revealed today? Time, TV for postseason basketball tournament  USA TODAY
  5. March Madness 2025 odds, matchups: Opening lines for first-round NCAA tournament games  Yahoo Sports

Kiakkai Bridge fast-tracked to 2026


The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is accelerating the construction of the Kiakkai Bridge over the Chao Phraya River, with the aim of completing it by 2026.

Luther family saved by Edmond Fire Crew #5


One of the many stories rising from the ashes after Friday's fires was one of heroics when an Edmond Fire crew fought the flames and saved a Luther family's lives.

Playing in harmony, despite the president's DEI executive order


When President Trump's executive order banned DEI programs throughout the government, the United States Marine Band was forced to cancel a planned concert with teens from Equity Arc, a nonprofit organization that provides mentoring for young musicians of color. That's when veteran military musicians answered the call to step in.

Werner Herzog: The 60 Minutes Interview


Werner Herzog had never even seen a movie until he was 11. Now 82, the visionary director is working constantly, still making movies no one else would or could ever dream of.

Top 6 nutrition questions men should ask themselves after 40

To maintain health and remain full of energy, men will be helped by this

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Виктор Тепляков

Депутат ЗСК Виктор Тепляков принял участие в выездном совещании краевой Думы в Сочи

Сергей Брановицкий

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Top 6 nutrition questions men should ask themselves after 40

To maintain health and remain full of energy, men will be helped by this

Визит Александра Лукашенко в Москву, 9 лет тюрьмы для Саакашвили, юбилей Зинэтулы Билялетдинова

Синоптики спрогнозировали похолодание и гололедицу в Москве 17 марта

"Лейкерс" одолели "Финикс" в НБА благодаря дабл-даблу Дончича

«ПСЖ» обыграл «Марсель» в чемпионате Франции, Сафонов остался в запасе

Top 6 nutrition questions men should ask themselves after 40

To maintain health and remain full of energy, men will be helped by this

Musk vs OpenAI Nonprofit Trial Could Commence in December


OpenAI and Elon Musk have reportedly agreed to a trial date over OpenAI’s for-profit transition. The artificial intelligence (AI) startup and the world’s wealthiest person have agreed to fast-track the trial, jointly proposing a December court date, Reuters reported Saturday (March 15), citing court documents.  Still undecided is the issue of whether the case will […]

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Draper powers past Rune to win Indian Wells ATP Masters

France24.com (en) 

The 14th-ranked Briton, who toppled two-time defending champion Carlos Alcaraz in the semi-finals, didn't face a break point as he subdued the 13th ranked Dane in just 69 minutes. He'll make his top 10 debut on Monday at seventh in the world. "It's incredible," said Draper, a US Open semi-finalist last year whose preparations for 2025 were hindered by a flare-up of hip tendinitis. "I'm just so grateful and happy to be out here, to be able to play, my body feeling healthy, to feel great in my mind. Читать дальше...


Время проявления женской мощи: TO-MÁ представляет новый трек и клип «Горькая»

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Певице Виктории Дайнеко сделали предложение на матче «Локомотива» в РПЛ

The most beautiful beach towns with cheap living

A huge number of people around the world dream of one day breaking out of the daily routine

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

"Спартак" обыграл "Зенит" в РПЛ впервые с 2017 года

Женский журнал Womanpost – про спорт, здоровье и вдохновение

«В мире многое меняется — может, и на Олимпийские игры пригласят»


Индиан-Уэллс (ATP). Финал. Руне сыграет с Дрэйпером

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Синоптики спрогнозировали похолодание и гололедицу в Москве 17 марта

The most beautiful beach towns with cheap living

A huge number of people around the world dream of one day breaking out of the daily routine

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