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Calgary Buffaloes fall to Brandon Wheat Kings in Telus Cup semifinal

Calgary Herald 

Another trip to the Telus Cup ends in another semifinal loss for the Calgary Under-18 AAA Buffaloes. Try as they might to score their second-ever national championship, the city’s top-flight minor hockey crew came up short with Saturday’s loss — a 4-1 drop at the hands of the Western Region-champion Brandon Wheat Kings. That stopped […]

'Bittersweet:' Parents of Calgary man arrive in city after escaping Gaza violence

Calgary Herald 

The escape to Calgary from the death and destruction of Gaza was an emotional release for Ossama Zaqqout and his elderly parents who finished their journey Saturday. But the arrival in the city of the first of any family-sponsored Gazans fleeing the conflict is only the first lap in an agonizing race against tragedy, said […]

Mounties charge two suspects in Gleichen homicide, one of them a fugitive

Calgary Herald 

Mounties have charged two men in the death of a Gleichen resident, one of whom has yet to be arrested. The second-degree murder charges follow the death of Clayton Redgun, 59, whose body was found Wednesday in Gleichen, about 100 km east of Calgary. Redgun was found unresponsive by EMS and his death appears to […]

Hobson: Buy Me a Drink, Joe a touching, funny tale of an artist finding himself

Calgary Herald 

Forte Musical Theatre’s Buy Me a Drink, Joe is a love story about a man learning to love himself. The man in question is Joe Slabe, the founder and artistic director of Forte Musical Theatre who wrote the book, music and lyrics for this autobiographical musical. Slabe also stars as the show’s narrator, its pianist,  […]

How to make travel easier on the body

Calgary Herald 

Whoever said, “It’s not the journey, but the destination,” surely never endured a red-eye beside a snorer. After a recent long-haul economy flight, I clued into why militaries use sleep deprivation as a torture technique. In addition to jet lag, my lower back ached, and I’m pretty sure I pulled something after hoisting my (likely […]

Calgary Herald letters for April 27: Local political parties unlikely to improve governnce

Calgary Herald 

I’m not sure political parties will change much. If you have read the Vancouver parties’ platforms, they are pretty vague. Parties will campaign on a grand vision, but nothing specific. And my guess is during the campaign they will not answer anything specific. I asked Mayor Jyoti Gondek more than once during her campaign what […]

Wranglers sweep Roadrunners in first round of AHL playoffs

Calgary Herald 

There will be playoff hockey at the Saddledome this spring.  The AHL’s Calgary Wranglers will continue their Calder Cup quest after completing a sweep Friday of their best-of-three opening-round series against the Tucson Roadrunners.   The Flames’ farm-clubbers won two in a row in enemy territory, advancing with a 4-3 victory in Game 2 in […]


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Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»

Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике

Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»


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