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Armenia`s special envoy on hindrances to normalization of  Armenia-Turkiye relations 


ArmInfo. Special Envoy for the Normalization of Armenian- Turkish Relations Ruben Rubinyan spoke  about what is hindering the establishment of relations between Yerevan and Ankara. 

Thus, on October 12 in Yerevan at the forum "Crossroads of Peaced:  combining security and democracy", answering a relevant question,  Rubinyan, in particular, said: "There is one big obstacle in the  Armenian- Turkish normalization - the lack of a political decision in  Turkey regarding the settlement of relations with Armenia. If, for  example, a decision is made tomorrow, then the borders will open  tomorrow." Rubinyan also considers it important that the process of  normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations is taking place without  mediation, between the two states

"But, settlement and reconciliation are two different things. These  are deep topics. There is a misconception in Turkey that the Armenian  Diaspora or the position of the Armenian Diaspora has been or remains  an obstacle to the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations. This  is not the case. It has been proven many times that this is not the  case," he said.

On July 30 of this year, the special representatives of Turkey and  Armenia for the normalization process - Serdar Kilic and Ruben  Rubinyan held the 5th round of talks on the Turkish-Armenian border,  after a two- year break. The meeting took place on the Armenian side  in the morning and on the Turkish side in the afternoon.

Rubinyan: There is one major obstacle in the Armenian-Turkish  normalization. 

The 4th round of negotiations was held on July 1, 2022 in Vienna. At  that time, the parties agreed to ensure the possibility of crossing  the Armenian-Turkish land border for third-country citizens visiting  Armenia and Turkey, respectively, as soon as possible, and decided to  begin the necessary processes in this direction.

They also agreed to launch direct air transportation of goods between  Armenia and Turkey as soon as possible and decided to begin the  necessary processes in this direction. Finally, the parties once  again emphasized their agreement to continue the normalization  process without preconditions.

The launch of the normalization process was announced on December 13,  2021 by then Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. At the same  time, he emphasized that Ankara will act in coordination with  Azerbaijan regarding steps to normalize relations with Armenia.

On March 1 of this year, Turkey's special representative for the  normalization of relations with Armenia, Serdar Kilic, during his  speech at the panel "Peace, Development and Relations in the South  Caucasus", which took place within the framework of the Diplomatic  Forum in Antalya, suggested that Rubinyan hold meetings either in  Ankara or in Yerevan.  

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