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Russia for further Armenian-Azerbaijani contacts - presidential spokesman


ArmInfo. Russia stands for the continuation of contacts between Baku and Yerevan; they are necessary  for complete detente and settlement of controversial issues, stated  Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. Journalists asked the Kremlin representative to comment on the  information about contract servicemen joining the action against the  delimitation of the border with Azerbaijan in the Armenian border  village of Kirants. "We would not like to comment on this. You know that... Читать дальше...

Meeting of high-ranking officials of Armenia and Turkey took place in Tbilisi: the authorities are conducting negotiations behind Armenian people - expert 


ArmInfo. The Turkish minister said that a meeting of high-ranking officials from Armenia and Turkey recently took place in Tbilisi: the authorities are conducting some kind of  negotiations behind the backs of the Armenian people, expert in  Turkic studies Varuzhan Geghamyan. The expert noted that none of the Armenian officials had previously  reported about this meeting. "There is essentially no resistance on the part of Armenia regarding  the Zangezur Corridor; moreover, recently an Armenian-Turkish... Читать дальше...

Armenia`s leader forced into surrendering Homeland`s territories - clergyman 


ArmInfo. Now, on this road, the fate of Armenian statehood is being decided, and as we have  repeatedly emphasized, the illegal process initiated by the Armenian  government with its various partners is unacceptable to us, the  leader of the Tavush diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Bagrat  Galstyan, stated on April 27 in a conversation with journalists on  the blocked Voskepar-Kirants road. In this vein, the clergyman proposed clarifying the position of the  gathered Tavush residents in... Читать дальше...

Opposition MP critical of government over prosecution of servicemen 


ArmInfo. The government, which in 2018 celebrated, praised and encouraged some members of the  peacekeeping brigade to take to the streets and join the political march, is now saying that such behavior will not be tolerated, Tigran Abrahamyan, of the opposition faction With Honor stated as he  commented on the information that the Investigative Committee of  Armenia initiated criminal proceedings on the fact that military  personnel joined the protesters on the Kirants-Voskepar road. "Against the... Читать дальше...

Armenia`s premier addresses message on Citizen`s Day


ArmInfo.  Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan has addressed a message on Citizen's Day.  "Today we celebrate Citizen's Day, which appeared on our calendar  after the People's Nonviolent Velvet Revolution of 2018 to mark the  actual confirmation of the long-proclaimed resolution that power in  the Republic of Armenia belongs to the people. This resolution is now an irreversible reality in Armenia, and this  is also confirmed by the events of recent years, when the once  elites, who could decide... Читать дальше...

Russian embassy in Armenia reports events in commemoration of  Armenian Genocide victims


ArmInfo. The Russian Embassy in Armenia spoke about the commemorative events held on the territory  of the Russian Federation on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of  the Armenian Genocide. The message emphasizes that Russia carefully preserves the memory of  the victims of the genocide of the fraternal Armenian people in the  Ottoman Empire in 1915-1922. "Every year on April 24, recognized by the State Duma of the Russian  Federation as the day of remembrance for victims of the genocide... Читать дальше...

Servicemen join protesters in Tavush: criminal investigation launched 


ArmInfo. Based on information about the apparent refusal of a group of military personnel to  perform some of the duties of military service, criminal proceedings  have been initiated. According to the Investigative Committee of Armenia, a message was  received from the military police of the country's Ministry of  Defense that on April 26, 2024, at around 23:30, after studying video  materials circulating on the Internet, it became clear that at the  same time a group of servicemen from military... Читать дальше...

"Azerbaijan Sanctions Review Act" requires State Department to report on applicability of Magnitsky Act sanctions against Azerbaijani officials.


ArmInfo. Representatives Dina Titus (D-NV) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) have introduced bipartisan  legislation that seeks to enforce sanctions against Azerbaijani officials responsible for war crimes and human rights abuses, including the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, the arbitrary detention of  Armenian POWs and civilian captives, the torture and abuse of  detainees, and extrajudicial killings, reported the Armenian National  Committee of America (ANCA). Specifically, "The Azerbaijan Sanctions Review... Читать дальше...

Law-enforcers use special means in Kirants: five hospitalized 


ArmInfo.  As a result of the use of a special light-noise device by law enforcement officers in  the village of Kirants, Tavush region of Armenia, 5 citizens were hospitalized - 4 women, 1 man and two police officers, the National Front reports.  It is noted that after examinations, all of them were discharged from  the hospital. Video footage of the medical care provided was also  distributed online. Meanwhile, the Armenian Ministry of Internal  Affairs hastened to assure that no special equipment was used during  the clashes. Читать дальше...

Армянские школьники вернулись домой с 3 медалями после Менделеевской олимпиады


АрмИнфо.Армянские школьники удостоились призовых мест на 58-й международной Менделеевской олимпиаде, которая проходила с 20 по 26 апреля в Китае.  Как сообщает пресс-служба Министерства образования, науки, культуры и спорта, армянскую команду представляли учащиеся 12-го класса гимназии <Квант> Сергей Тадевосян, ученики специальной школы Ванадзора с углубленным изучением математики и естественных наук Артавазд Арабачян (12 класс) и Арман Харатьян (11-й класс), а также ученик 12-го класса... Читать дальше...


«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

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