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Новости про 4rabet Partner


Despite various regulations, gambling and betting remain one of the most monetary areas in traffic arbitration. It is difficult to count the number of deposits poured by top teams, but the turnover is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. And the competition for tier-1 traffic continues to grow… And what if the $200+ bet is not the main thing? You can also make money in less pop regions - for example, in India, where the population exceeds a billion people.

What is the advantage of India? The total population of the country is almost 1.5 billion people, most of them have the Internet, this is almost unlimited GEO! CPA payments here are comparable to Ukraine, but at the same time the installation price is a penny.

Main problems 2:

- There are few offers that have local payments. For example, in India it is the main stopper. People are physically unable to make a deposit, and the arbitrageur thinks that GEO will not convert.

- An incomprehensible mentality for us. The same India is a completely different universe and for many it is a mystery how to work with a local audience.

These difficulties are solved by choosing the right affiliate program and offer. There is no need to try to get into this market if India is one of the top ten GEO in the offer: you probably won't be pleased with the results. 4rabet Partner is very popular now, right here https://4rabet.top/4rabet-app-download/ by the way, you can download the app for free.

We recommend that you first agree on all the conditions with the manager and discuss the details so that there will be no questions when evaluating traffic later. India with the peculiarities of the local character is far from being about big checks, high CR in deposits and so on, you need to be prepared for this.

An insane number of cheap registrations and penny installations are the norm, but deposits ... you need to work on this and, preferably, in a team with a manager

In general, the affiliate program offers all the necessary tools for work.

How to get a payout

Payments are made every Monday, you can withdraw funds to: USDT, Paytm,

Capitalist, Skrill/Neteller, BTC, via bank transfer. The minimum payout is $20.


Asia in general and India in particular is a huge and promising market for betting and gambling. An adequate auction and an almost endless audience allow you to make a profit not due to high conversion fees, as in tier-1 countries, but due to the number of these conversions.

If we take megacities, then the population has money for gambling entertainment, on the right offer, traffic shows excellent LTV - the only question is the localization of the product.

From what can be recommended now - 4rabet. The 4rabet Partner affiliate program is an affiliate program from a direct advertiser of a product that has recently entered the public field and is ready to provide the best working conditions. In addition to high payments, there is a real market expertise and all the necessary tools for work.





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