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CFK announces her return to the limelight since leaving office

«MercoPress» (en) 

Just one day after being labeled a "political corpse," former Argentine President (2008-2015) Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) announced her return into the limelight this coming Saturday when she will attend the opening of a gymnasium in the town of Quilmes on the outskirts of Buenos Aires which will be named after her late husband and also former head of State (2003-2008) Néstor Kirchner.

ICAO agrees to review Venezuela's claim against Argentina regarding the Emtrasur freighter

«MercoPress» (en) 

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has agreed to review Venezuela's complaint against Argentina for seizing the Boeing 747-300 freighter belonging to Conviasa's cargo subsidiary Emtrasur and later handing it over to US authorities for scrapping. The aircraft was wanted by Washington because it had belonged to Iran's carrier Mahan Air and was said to be involved in logistics operations assisting terrorist attacks.

Haiti: Henry resigns; transitional council sworn in

«MercoPress» (en) 

A transitional council has finally been sworn in in violence-torn Haiti after the final resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry was received Thursday in a letter from Los Angeles, California, leaving Economy and Finance Minister Michel Patrick Boisvert in charge while a successor is named.

Before Milei, Uruguayan President Lacalle Pou calls for a “strong State” to defend freedom

«MercoPress» (en) 

In a gathering of prominent figures from the political and business spheres, Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou emphasized the importance of a strong state to ensure individual freedom during the “freedom dinner” organized by Fundación Libertad in Buenos Aires. The event, attended by former Argentine President Mauricio Macri, current Argentine President Javier Milei, and other distinguished guests, provided a platform for discussions on liberty, democracy, and economic freedom.

Colombia going through acute food insecurity

«MercoPress» (en) 

A document released Wednesday by the Global Network Against Food Crises (GNAFC) together with the United Nation's (UN) Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) showed that, under leftwing President Gustavo Petro, Colombia had for the first time joined the list of countries going through acute food insecurity.

Four Paraguayan prison inmates dead in rival gang clash

«MercoPress» (en) 

Clashes between inmates belonging to the autochthonous Rotela Clan and Brazil's First Capital Command (PCC) left four of them dead and three others wounded Wednesday at the Regional Penitentiary in Pedro Juan Caballero, in the Paraguayan department of Amambay. A team of the National Police's Special Operations Group (GEO) and the riot squad were deployed to restore normalcy.

Falklands' KEM Hospital modernization includes improvement of Pathology Laboratories

«MercoPress» (en) 

Following the approval by the Falkland Islands Executive Council (ExCo) on Tuesday 23 April 2024, the Directorate of Health and Social Service (DHSS) and the Public Works Department (PWD), are delighted to announce that the Phase 1 of the redevelopment of the Pathology Laboratories at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) will begin this initiative.


Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

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