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Новости за 11.05.2020

Lesotho murder scandal: PM's coalition collapses, Thabane to leave on May 22

France24.com (en) 

In tonight's edition: Lesotho's prime minister is given an exit date of May 22 after murder allegations against him cause his coalition to collapse. Thomas Thabane is accused of being involved in the assassination of his ex-wife. In South Africa, there are fears the easing of lockdowns may be premature in parts of the country as Cape Town becomes a coronavirus hotspot. And schools re-open their doors in Benin. Social distancing measures and masks are a must, but many worry that precautions will be hard to enforce.

Unlimited outdoor activity, U-turn on masks: UK unveils lockdown lifting strategy

France24.com (en) 

The British government performed an about-face on masks Monday, telling people to cover their mouth and nose in shops, buses and subway trains. The change came as part of what Prime Minister Boris Johnson called the “first careful measures” to lift a nationwide lockdown imposed seven weeks ago to slow the spread of the new coronavirus.

Guardian Angels: New York citizen crime-fighters tackle Covid-19 crisis

France24.com (en) 

The Guardian Angels, a volunteer citizen crime-fighting organisation, have been patrolling the streets of New York City for four decades. But with the city still emerging from the grip of the Covid-19 crisis, they say they are busier than ever amid a spike in burglaries.

Russia to begin easing Covid-19 lockdown on Tuesday

France24.com (en) 

President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would start gradually easing coronavirus-related lockdown measures from Tuesday, but that individual regions would need to tailor their approach to varying local conditions.

From lockdown, to ‘locks off’: Hair salons fully booked as France reopens for business

France24.com (en) 

French hairdressers reopened on Monday after eight weeks under lockdown, ready to welcome an onslaught of clients. Around 60 percent of French people say they will book an appointment for a haircut within the first week, with some salons already fully booked for the next three weeks. They are required to put health and safety measures in place including protective masks, regular cleaning and prohibiting comforts such as magazines and hot drinks. FRANCE 24's Nadia Massih and Clovis Casali report.

‘Return to abnormal’: French newspapers mark the end of lockdown

France24.com (en) 

IN THE PAPERS – Monday, May 11: There's a mix of gratitude, nostalgia and uncertainty in the French papers as they herald the end of the country's eight-week lockdown. Le Parisien and 20 Minutes salute essential workers, Libération declares a "return to abnormal", and l'Opinion notes that France is "de-confined but defiant". Speaking of defiance, we end with the story of two rather "buoyant" lockdown-defying bathers.

Paris suburb distributes free masks as France eases lockdown measures

France24.com (en) 

Faced with critical shortages at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, French authorities initially rejected the notion of a generalised use of face masks before finally touting the device as essential, and in some situations compulsory. The government is now relying on mayors acros France to organise distributions of face masks as the country gradually ends eight weeks of strict lockdown. FRANCE 24's reporters James André and Alexandra Quarini followed volunteers going door to door in the suburb of Les Lilas... Читать дальше...


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